Proof Positive: Coordinated Cyberwarfare Attack Against US By China, Russia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan To Steal Election From Trump

WVW Broadcast Network Columnists By Mary Fanning and Alan Jones | January 3, 2021

Lt. General McInerney, NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe and Mary Fanning and Alan Jones broke this news story LIVE Sunday night at 8pm CT on WVW-TV. If you missed the LIVE show then you are likely not on our text alert list and did NOT receive a link to watch live. To join simply text WVW to 88202 

President Trump has the authority, and so too the responsibility, to lift a pair of years-old federal gag orders known as the State Secrets Privilege and Government Protective Order that are preventing CIA contractor-turned-whistleblower Dennis Montgomery from revealing the truth about an illegal domestic surveillance program known as THE HAMMER and one of THE HAMMER’s applications, an election theft cyberwarfare weapon known as SCORECARD. 

Montgomery presents a compelling case of fraudulent voting in battleground states. Montgomery’s analysis clearly demonstrates the coordinated involvement of China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, and Pakistan, with specific data points such as source locations, dates, and times.

Montgomery’s programs were built under contracts with the Department of Defense, the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Air Force, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Director of National Intelligence, the Central Intelligence Agency, among others. 

THE HAMMER had been a tool for foreign surveillance until February 2009, at which time Brennan and Clapper commandeered it and turned it against America by transforming THE HAMMER into an illegal domestic surveillance tool.

Fourth Amendment violations happened under Brennan and Clapper on a massive scale, under the Obama-Biden Administration. 

The Obama-Biden Administration, with Brennan and Clapper, took THE HAMMER with them when they left office. They stole the keys to the kingdom.

Montgomery revealed that there is not just one HAMMER in the United States, but now, also a second HAMMER in the United Kingdom, and also, a third HAMMER in China. How that happened is a mystery.

Video shows a clearly coordinated cyberwarfare attack by foreign adversaries to steal the 2020 election from the American people and President Trump. It is worth noting that foreign adversaries wanted to place their preferred candidates Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in the White House, negating the American people’s vote.

Montgomery did not provide to the United Kingdom or China THE HAMMER or the source code for SCORECARD.





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