The Power Elite's Historical Outline Part 2


By Dennis L. Cuddy, Ph.D.Regarding the Power Elite's (PE's) plan for a World Socialist Government brought about by a dialectical synthesis of Western Capitalism and Eastern Communism, Ford Foundation president H. Rowan Gaither told Congressional Reece Committee research director Norman Dodd that they were under directives from the White House to so alter American life as to bring about a "comfortable merger" of the U.S. with the Soviet Union. Similarly, in 1962 when CFR member Lincoln Bloomfield wrote a report for Secretary of State Dean Rusk (Rhodes scholar) indicating that "if the communist dynamic was greatly abated, the West might lose whatever incentive it has for world government."
The "communist dynamic" expressed itself at this time in the Vietnam War, involving the West against the Soviets and Chinese Communists (brought to power in 1949 by PE agent Gen. George Marshall) via their proxies, the North Vietnamese and Vietcong. This was another "no win war" (like the Korean War) that reduced the support for nationalistic patriotism among young American adults (and, as in most wars, killed off many the strongest young patriotic men). This was a necessary part of the PE's plan if there was to be a transference of loyalties from the nation-state to a larger World Socialist Government.
A transference directly from the nation-state to a stage before the world government would be regional associations. In the October 1967 edition of the CFR's FOREIGN AFFAIRS, Richard Nixon wrote of regional arrangements that would evolve into a "new world order." This same theme would be picked up by Zbigniew Brzezinski (ZB) at Mikhail Gorbachev's first State of the World Forum in 1995 where ZB declared: "We cannot leap into world government through one quick step.... The precondition for eventual and genuine globalization is progressive regionalization because by that we move toward larger, more stable, more cooperative units."
ZB in 1973 became the first director of the Trilateral Commission, established by PE member David Rockefeller, who worked with various Communist dictators over the years. This also fit within the PE's dialectical process, for while David Rockefeller worked with the Communists, his brother, Nelson, had worked with the Nazis.
After Ronald Reagan was elected president in 1980, the dialectical movement toward a "comfortable merger" of the U.S. and USSR continued, as Reagan decreasingly referred to the Soviet Union as an "Evil Empire," instead implementing in 1986 the Soviet-American Exchange Agreement with Gorbachev after the latter became General-Secretary of the Soviet Union in March 1985.
George H.W. Bush succeeded Reagan as president, and in 1990 emphasized the need for a "New World Order." Gorbachev followed this with his May 6, 1992 speech in Fulton, Missouri, in which he said the following (some of which was NOT printed in the American press): "This is not just some ordinary stage of development like many others in world history.... An awareness of the need of some kind of global government is gaining ground.... A powerful process of technical and political internationalization is taking place...."
At the end of 1992, Bill Clinton was elected president, and (as a Rhodes scholar) he supported a world government which was longed for by Cecil Rhodes. In keeping with the regionalism-first strategy of the PE, NAFTA was begun January 1994, just 2 months after the European Union (EU) in November 1993.
The current economic crisis in the EU is to coerce its members to take the next step in the PE's plan, which would be fiscal union in a United States of Europe. At his address to the Masonic Peace Conference in Paris in 1849, Victor Hugo had said, "Let us have a United States of Europe; let us have continental federation." In Lenin's COLLECTED WORKS (vol. 21), he called for a United States of Europe (including Russia), as did Stalin in 1926. Winston Churchill had an eesay titled "The United States of Europe" published in THE SATURDAY EVENING POST on February 15, 1930, and he echoed this call in October 1942 to his cabinet and in Zurich in 1946.
Moving this theme forward, German Chancellor Angela Merkel on June 4, 2012 pronounced "We need more Europe, not less." And in "Europe's foreign ministers want more power for EU" (WELT ONLINE, June 21, 2012), one finds that among the interim recommendations of the "Future Group" on the EU are that there should be a single, directly elected EU president, the creation of an EU army, European rather than national visas, and more direct control of national budgets.
George W. Bush in 2000 was elected president following Bill Clinton's two terms, and Bush's Secretary of Education Rod Paige on October 3, 2003 declared that the U.S. was pleased to rejoin UNESCO where we could develop common strategies to prepare our children to become "citizens of the world," a title which Barack Obama (elected president in 2008) would use to identify himself.
It was then the beginning of the 21st century, which Aldous Huxley in BRAVE NEW WORLD REVISITED (1958) said would be "the era of World Controllers." Confirming this was PE member David Rockefeller's startling admission in his MEMOIRS (2002) that he was part of a "secret cabal" which was "conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated political and economic structure-one world, if you will." That the cabal is "secret" means its members are not all known. At the beginning of the Prologue in Nicholas Hagger's THE SYNDICATE: THE STORY OF THE COMING WORLD GOVERNMENT (2004), he reveals that the Queen of England is alleged to have told her butler Paul Burrell a few months after Princess Diana's death in a car crash (August 31, 1997): "Be careful. There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge."
In following the PE's strategy of using a dialectical process via regionalization to achieve a World Socialist Government, Barack Obama was elected president in 2008. With his Muslim background, he would be able to relate to the Muslim revolutionary uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East beginning in 2011. He made presidential overtures to the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) from the beginning of his administration. And as the MB was the leading organizational structure in these revolutions, they would be in a unique cross-country position to facilitate the regionalization of the nations involved.
Obama as president could also move the U.S. increasingly toward socialism, which would be necessary for an eventual "comfortable merger" with other socialist regions such as Europe and Latin America. Therefore, he may be re-elected (with an "October Surprise") in November 2012. He could be followed as president By Jeb Bush 2016 in time to accept the "Phoenix" as the new world currency planned for 2018. And if Jeb Bush is re-elected in 2020, the new president would begin term of office in 2025, the year by which Luciferian occultist Alice Bailey proclaimed the "World Federation of Nations" would be "taking rapid shape," according to "the Plan."


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