A Patriotic Radio Pageant Sure To Make Liberals Angry And Patriots Proud

A Patriotic Radio Pageant Sure To Make Liberals Angry And Patriots Proud. PLEASE RE-POST. Celebrate America: A Patriotic Radio Pageant. 

Part 1:
Sadly, many within America today believe that to even celebrate the Fourth of July is to promote racism. Brannon explains the lie of this propaganda and plays a stirring radio commentary from the late Paul Harvey as well as music from The President’s Own Marine Band. Brannon also plays clips from some of his documentaries and reads from some excerpts from some of his book as together we celebrate America’s history, heritage and heroes. 

Part 2:
Celebrate America: A Patriotic Radio Pageant (Part 2) Why the war on John Wayne? Sadly, many within America today believe that to even celebrate the Fourth of July is to promote racism. Brannon plays a stirring excerpts of speeches from Ronald Reagan as well as explains why men such as John Wayne are under assault as Marxists call for the airport that bears his name and his statue to be removed from the airport in California. Hear audio clips of John Wayne from 1971 taking on the Marxism that is now gaining stem in American in 2020. Brannon also plays patriotic music from The President’s Own Marine Band. Brannon also plays clips from some of his documentaries and reads from some excerpts from some of his book as together we celebrate America’s history, heritage and heroes. 

Part 3: 
Celebrate America: A Patriotic Radio Pageant (Part 3) Brannon plays a radio commentary by Paul Harvey on the sacrifice made by America’s Founding Fathers as they Pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor. Brannon shares why Americans must stand up to the street mobs and explains why the Founding Fathers were opposed to democracy or what they called mobocracy. Brannon also plays patriotic music from The President’s Own Marine Band. Brannon also plays clips from some of his documentaries and reads from some excerpts from some of his book as together we celebrate America’s history, heritage and heroes. 

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