Donald Trump’s adviser Stephen K. Bannon told the truth, but not the whole truth, when he described the media as the main opposition to President Trump. He neglected to mention academia as another important bastion for anti-Trump organizing and action.

Speaking at the January 21 so-called Women’s March on Washington, communist Angela Davis declared, “The next 1,459 days of the Trump administration will be 1,459 days of resistance: resistance on the ground, resistance in the classrooms, resistance on the job, resistance in our art and in our music.”

(Our media somehow overlooked the significance of Davis, a life-long unrepentant communist, as a speaker and co-chair of the event.)

The phrase “resistance in the classrooms” has a lot of meaning, since Davis is a former professor in the “History of Consciousness Department” at the University of California at Santa Cruz. She is now a popular speaker on college campuses.

On Tuesday night, the publicly-funded Ohio State University (OSU) hosted [1] a Davis speech at an event sponsored by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion’s Frank W. Hale Jr. Black Cultural Center.

As part of a campus debate, the Davis appearance might be justified. Instead, her philosophy of communism was presented as the sole truth for students and young people. It had the approval of black organizations on campus.

Davis was advertised as merely a “political activist, academic scholar and author.” What makes Davis unique is her dedication for decades to the communist philosophy that ruled the Soviet Union and its client states. Davis even traveled to East Germany during the time of the Berlin Wall and had a friendly meeting with East German communist dictator Eric Honecker.

Her receipt of the Lenin Peace Prize in Moscow was recorded in an Associated Press video [2] that is now posted on YouTube. You can see Davis hug a Soviet official and pay tribute to the Soviet revolution, with a bust of Lenin in the background. Davis showed her subservience to the Soviet Union by running as the vice-presidential candidate on the Communist Party USA ticket. The party was funded and controlled by Moscow.

Lawrence Williamson, director of the Hale Center at OSU, was quoted as saying that Davis was chosen as this year’s speaker because she demonstrates Martin Luther King’s dream “in a way younger generations can relate to.”

Hence, young blacks are being told that obedience to Moscow was a way to get ahead in life and a positive contribution to humanity’s progress.

Davis was even an associate [3] of Jim Jones, the religious cult leader who led his followers in a mass suicide and left his estate to the Communist Party.

Since the demise of the old Soviet Union, Davis has been calling herself a “democratic socialist” and trying to appear mainstream.

With the support of George Soros and his money, she started the group Critical Resistance, in order to agitate among prisoners, seek abolition of the death penalty, and even to abolish prisons. She is a lesbian and a vegan, with the cause of animal rights as her latest crusade. She also speaks more and more about “Justice for Palestine,” which is usually code for the destruction of Israel.

Davis is leaving the OSU campus for a Saturday February 4 event [4] at my alma mater, the University of Toledo (UT). Again, the campus office of diversity and inclusion is the sponsor. And again, the Davis speech is being presented as the ultimate truth, with no opposing view.

I have informed the UT President in a letter that, as an alumnus, I object to this one-sided presentation.

It is hard to keep up with Davis, whose appearances around the country are numerous. She was recently at an event sponsored by the Mid-South Peace and Justice Center [5] in Memphis, Tennessee, and spoke [6] about how Trump is “trying to make America white again,” but will not be able to “govern comfortably” because of protests against him.

With these remarks, Davis betrays the real purpose of the Marxist assault on America. The objective is to subvert the European-American roots of America’s cultural strength by deriding traditional values as “white supremacy.”

A one-time puppet of Moscow, she is now an advocate of Cultural Marxism, having learned communist tactics under Frankfurt School Professor Herbert Marcuse, who made Brandeis University into what critics called a “School for Terrorists [7].”  The school produced female terrorists for the Weather Underground and the Islamic Jihad.

Estimates of Davis’ fee in the past have been around $20,000 a speech. When she speaks on state-funded college campuses, of course, those fees are paid for with student and taxpayer money.

No wonder students are going into debt to obtain useless degrees.

Although college administrators are rolling out the red carpet for Davis at OSU and UT, Trump won Ohio over Democrat Hillary Clinton by 52 percent to 43.5 percent, “the widest margin of victory for a presidential candidate in Ohio since 1988,” according [8] to the Toledo Blade newspaper.

Being a featured speaker at Ohio State, one of the largest universities in the nation, is a major advance for the anti-Trump forces in academia. Her promised “resistance in the classrooms” can only grow, as long as lawmakers continue to permit state-funded institutions of higher learning to sponsor campus brainwashing sessions featuring Marxists like Davis.



Article printed from Accuracy in Media:

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URLs in this post:

[1] hosted:

[2] an Associated Press video:

[3] an associate:

[4] Saturday February 4 event:

[5] Mid-South Peace and Justice Center:

[6] spoke:

[7] School for Terrorists:

[8] according:

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