Military Doctor Warns The "Dark Winter" Biden Has Warned About Could Be Worse for the Military

Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa Long, an active-duty Army combat medic, has a message for the president of the United States, the medical community and all of America – slow down with the mass injections until the data can be studied.

A native of Minnesota with 30 years in the U.S. Army practicing medicine, including 10 years as a military field surgeon with a background in neuroscience and neurobiology, she has major concerns with the Covid jab.

She went public with her first national media interview Nov. 9 on Brannon Howse Live.

She prefaced her comments by saying they are her own opinions which she bases on her personal training and experiences and they do not represent the U.S. Army.

Her chief concern centers on those who are driving policy right now in the "unchartered waters" of Covid-19, especially as it concerns the U.S. military.

"I think having been in the Army for a long time, we've been in really unchartered waters for the last year," Dr. Long said. "My concerns come out of the NIH, the CDC, Dr. Fauci. They don't have our strategic mission, and so here they are guiding what we're doing across the nation, in our military. These are not leaders per se, they are administrators administering policy. Leaders are there to disrupt, to improve things. So that's concerning."

She said the Covid vaccines were rolled out way too fast. Dr. Long said when she first became a physician, she took to heart the advice of an older mentor in the field.

"The thing you learn in medicine, it's never perfect. It's more an art than a science. You only have one name, one patient, so when some new sexy drug comes out on the market, don't touch it. Wait five years. Because there's always problems. I've followed that advice throughout my career and it's worked. I've had to watch drugs get pulled off the market over the years and other doctors have had to go back and tell their patients to stop taking them.

"So when you see a vaccine rolled out in two months and there's no critical data on it, and we're talking about the whole world, it gives you a lot of pause. There has to be a lot of humility in medicine because we do make a lot of mistakes. We're not perfect. But the odds of rolling something out that quick and it being flawless, those aren't really good odds."

Army doctors have to think differently than civilians, she said.

"You always have to keep in mind the health of the fighting force, two years from now and five years from now. There's a lot of unknowns. When people speak very definitely that they know it's safe, I mean there are so many drugs that we put out on the market over the years, and they were tested much more rigorously."

Dr. Long is not an "anti vaxxer." In fact, she hadn't refused a single vaccination throughout her 30-year military career until now.

But this was different. As a Christian, she said she felt a check in her spirit as soon as the FDA issued Emergency Use Authorization [EUA] for the Covid injections to be given to the public.

"Honestly, when all this started to occur, it's something that didn't feel right in my spirit," she said.

Howse asked if she thought her discernment was divinely inspired.

"Well I prayed about it and I was convicted. It was not the right decision. Then, amazingly enough, Dr. Peter McCullough invited me to be part of his group of over 400 doctors," she said, referring to the distinguished Baylor University and Texas epidemiologist, internist, cardiologist and contributor to several medical journals.

Being a part of McCullough's investigative team proved incredibly fruitful, she said. The panel included Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Harvey Risch and many others.

"It was like the Manhattan Project, all these people working together; there was no narrative, no agenda, it was just seeking the truth on outpatient treatment of Covid and then vaccine safety," Long said.

"And when people were arguing in our group, because we didn't always agree, it was in search of the truth, arguing to understand each other, not to berate each other or shutting each other down. We had people from all across the nation.

"For six months I probably spent 12 hours a day studying all of the literature and all of the conversations. I was very fortunate I had that amount of time to devote to learning. And that's something most doctors, they're so bogged down, they don't have the luxury of that kind of time to comb through all of the literature and find what was good solid science."

Dr. Long has specific concerns about the vaccine's impact on children and young adults.

Myocarditis, the swelling of the heart, is chief among those concerns.

"Most people don't have symptoms. What they found in a big study of people who have recovered from Covid is that when they did a cardiac MRI and found over 75 percent more cases [of myocarditis] were found, which is something we don't normally do."

There is a 2.3 percent risk of myocarditis among Covid survivors, she said.

But what about those who received the Covid vaccines? They are getting mRNA instructions for their bodies to create the toxic spike protein.

"If you get the shot we don't know exactly what the risk is [of myocarditis]," she said. "My concern is I'm seeing tons of people who are fully vaccinated getting Covid, so my concern is if we are vaccinating people and we did not test for antibodies to see if they already had the infection, we are really not reducing the risk of this, we are potentially adding to it."

And most military are in their early 20s, an age group already at increased risk for myocarditis.

Howse asked what the consequences of her speaking out might be.

"Honestly I'm more afraid of disobeying God than I am of disobeying man," Dr. Long said. "And so I follow Dr. Charles Stanley, who often says obey God and leave the consequences to Him."

She said the "dark winter" Biden has warned about could be worse for military men and women.

"I think our military has been through really rough times, especially heading into winter. It doesn't escape me that we had George Washington at Valley Forge face an insurmountable army, we had Patton in World War II, so we've faced tough times in the past, but what we need in this country is unity.

"This will not discriminate based on your ethnic or religious background, so we really need to be operating out of wisdom and not fear."

Dr. Long was asked what she might have done differently.

"I would have done like Dr. Peter McCullough did—bring together the best and the brightest. I don't think I could have done it any better. And I think the other thing I would not have done, just as a Christian? Shutting down the churches was the last thing we needed. We needed more prayer, not less."

She cited 2 Chronicles 7:14 as the key to a better future for America.

The principle of national repentance, humility and contrition is a biblical principle, Howse said, not just for Israel but all nations.

"Actually there are a lot of military doctors, attorneys, across this country who do not like what is happening," Dr. Long said.

The deadline for members of the military to get the shot or face the wrath of the U.S. government is approaching in the next month or two.

Howse asked what his viewers could do to help.

"I would ask you to wield the most powerful weapon we have, which is prayer," she said. "Pray for our military leaders and President Biden and pray that they be granted wisdom, discernment, knowledge and understanding. That would be the most powerful thing we could do."

Dr. Long has two more years before she can retire.

She is risking a lot by speaking out. Howse called her a hero.

"Yeah but you have people like Earnest Ramirez, who lost his 16-year-old son; you have professional athletes who not only lost their ability to provide for their family but lost their health coverage.

"So losing some convenience is nothing compared to what people have already lost."

She closed with a quote from Patrick Henry, the great American patriot, who said:

"Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense? I should consider myself guilty of treason toward my country and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings."

"I think we have to speak truth," she said. "And we have to acknowledge we don't know everything, that there's still so much we don't know about this vaccine and the safety of it, and I think that panel proved it, that there are so many people being injured.

"I had really hoped to put together something to help these people who have been injured by vaccines, and I was just so heartbroken, and angry, to see how they have been abandoned and to see how these agencies and the pharmaceutical industry have done nothing."

Many Americans took the vaccine, "thinking they were doing it to help their fellow Americans, and then they lost their jobs when they got sick, and then they lost their medical coverage. And they need help. And they shouldn't be forgotten. They shouldn't be erased. The pharmaceutical companies should not ignore what happened to them."

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