Maui Resident on: Maui Fires, Possible Direct Energy Weapons and Police Blocking Cars From Fleeing The Fire

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As the aftermath of the devastating wildfires in Hawaii continues to unravel, new insights are shedding light on the government's incompetence and the community's resilience. TV host Brannon Howse engages in a candid conversation with Barry Nussbaum, who provides firsthand accounts and images from the disaster-stricken areas. The interview exposes the harrowing realities faced by the victims, the lack of effective government response, and the remarkable solidarity of the Hawaiian community.

Government Inadequacy

Barry Nussbaum starts by addressing the President's recent visit to the wildfire-affected region. Contrary to the enthusiastic praise of state officials, Nussbaum describes the visit as nothing short of a disaster. He reveals that Joe Biden's motorcade was met with vocal protests from the local population, who are still reeling from the devastation. He emphasizes that the President's speech began with an ill-conceived joke about boots melting due to the intense heat, and then took a bizarre turn when he commiserated with the survivors by recalling a minor kitchen fire he experienced over a decade ago. The speech's tone-deaf nature starkly contrasts with the tragic circumstances, highlighting the government's disconnection from the reality on the ground.

Community Solidarity

Nussbaum shifts the focus to the Hawaiian community's remarkable response in the face of adversity. He shares images of neighborhood distribution centers set up by locals to aid one another. These centers offer food, water, clothes, and essential supplies to those who have lost everything. Nussbaum emphasizes that this outreach is not government-driven; it's a grassroots effort led by Hawaiians helping fellow Hawaiians. Despite the absence of substantial federal aid, communities are coming together to support each other in a time of crisis.

Questions Surrounding the Cause

As the interview unfolds, Nussbaum raises questions about the origin of the wildfires. While not outright speculating that the fires were caused by direct energy weapons or lasers, he acknowledges that certain anomalies, such as aluminum from cars melting in temperatures that shouldn't be high enough to cause such damage, warrant further examination. He also questions the climate change narrative put forth by some politicians, asserting that the true cause lies in the government's mishandling of power lines during the intense winds.

Inept Government Officials

Further, Nussbaum criticizes the behavior of state officials who lauded President Biden's visit and FEMA's response despite the inadequate aid reaching the survivors. He emphasizes that Hawaiians are left to help themselves, as the government's promised funds fall far short of addressing the extensive damage. He calls out Senator Mazie Hirono's claim that climate change caused the fires, labeling it as absurd and detached from reality. There are also credible first hand reports of police being ordered to block cars from being able to flee the fire and this resulted in many people being burned alive in their cars. Reports are that only those that disobeyed the police orders and drove around the barriers survived. Brannon Howse said he believes this is a perfect example of where America finds itself today. Only by disobeying corrupt, incompetent, and evil government officials will Americans survive. As President Ronald Reagan said, "Government is not the solution, it is the problem." Today we are facing corrupt individuals posing as government officials that are in reality not Biblically or Constitutionally valid authorities. 

Devastating Toll and a Call for Preparedness

Nussbaum ends with a somber note, revealing that the death toll stands at 115 and many more remain missing. He laments that this human tragedy is not receiving the attention it deserves from the media. He highlights the importance of being self-reliant and prepared for emergencies, as the government's failure to provide adequate assistance leaves citizens vulnerable in times of crisis.


The interview paints a grim picture of the aftermath of the Hawaiian wildfires, exposing the ineptitude of government officials and the resilience of the community. As survivors continue to pick up the pieces of their shattered lives, the ordeal serves as a stark reminder that relying solely on government aid is not a viable solution. The Hawaiian community's collective response serves as an inspiration, demonstrating that unity and self-sufficiency can make a significant difference in the face of adversity.

Click here to watch this program now:

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For a free, no obligation packet of information on precious metals or putting gold into your IRA please text your name and address to Wes Peters of Swiss America or call him at 602-558-8585. 

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