Mark Dever & Tim Keller Call For Churches to Promote Neo-Marixst LGBT Agenda Inclusive Survey



By Rev Thomas Littleton                                                                                                                    9/12/2018

It has long been this writer’s view that knowing the eternal love and compassion of God and His nature to forgive—to forestall judgement, acknowledge humble repentant hearts and to be, the wonderfully articulate word, “Longsuffering,” in the language of King James—that God’s judgement is best understood by what He will not tolerate. What is it that brings His divine posture to alter toward a person or a people? This author thinks to have a clue. When protecting innocents is no longer a law of a society, God’s holy anger arises. Once this level of evil is reached, the reality is that God is more merciful to judge a person or a people or a nation than to allow it to continue.

In America, the Evangelical leadership of Albert Mohler, Russell Moore, Tim Keller, The Gospel Coalition, The Ethics and Religious Liberties Commission of The Southern Baptist Convention have lately presumed to take on the task of remodeling God’s design for the family. They now attack the “Idolatry of Family” and assert we must replace it with an inclusive and expanding village Church family.  In America, the end of innocence may be at hand, bringing God’s judgement with it. Let us look soberly at where we have arrived in the parade of exhausting and relentless forced conversations and endless conferencing led by the court jesters we have allowed in leadership.

In 2014 Dr. Albert Mohler, head of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, took upon himself to deliver the Evangelical Church to the Gay Rights movement.  Mohler announced at his protégé, Russell Moore’s ERLC Conference on “The Gospel, Homosexuality and the Future of Marriage,” to the Gay Lobby they had invited in, as well as to a trusting Church, his decision to Repent of denying  what he had previously stated—that a revisionist “discovery” of  sexual orientation was giving ground to undermine the entire Biblical claim of truth.

What makes his public abasement so hypocritical is that he had declared in his own words what was at stake in HIS 2005 writings on “Homosexuality in Theological Perspective.”

In 2005, Mohler stated: “By employing circumventions, circumlocutions, and contortions the text’s meaning is revised so as to negate its judgement upon homosexuality. The critical issue used as a hermeneutical device by the revisionist is the concept of sexual orientation. The modern “discovery” of sexual orientation is used to deny the truth claim clearly and inescapably made within the biblical text.”

However, in 2014 he stated: “The concept of sexual orientation is not only helpful, it is in some sense essential. Even those who argue against its existence have to describe and affirm something tantamount to it.”

The 2014 article in which Mohler attempted to squelch the uproar over his comments in the ERLC conference did not help much, if we hold up to scrutiny his glaring contradictions, given his clear 2005 statement that the Orientation argument of the “Revisionist”/ gay lobby activist theological efforts was the foremost device in the well-defined revisionist hermeneutical effort to circumvent Biblical opposition to the normalization of homosexuality. Albert Mohler, are you not in fact giving up, and repenting of, the Evangelical stand to assert that the Word of God carries more weight in the “Theological “discussion of homosexuality than the modern construct (though scientifically unproven) concept of Orientation?  Are you not the one now practicing circumventions, circumlocutions, and contortions of the text?


Altar One – The American Psychological Association

In 2010, Mark Yarhouse and Stanton Jones became the gold standard bearers for The Gospel Coalition and all its affiliates, including Albert Mohler, on all things LGBTQUI+ for the Church. Then the incrementalism began in earnest toward changing the Evangelical view of homosexuality and gender issues. This radical decision was made behind the scenes by a handful of self-appointed fellows, like Tim Keller and Albert Mohler, but has become broadly applied to us, to our churches, and to our pastors under the influence of their seminaries, writings, media and conferences. The June 2018 Living Out Conference of Keller along with July 2018 Revoice conference of long time Mohler disciple and employee at SBTS, Nate Collins, brought some of the depths of these efforts at change, and their carefully masked goals, into clearer view. Not only is sexuality and gender a prime target but so is the Christian /Biblical concept of family. And on what does the overhaul of all things Biblical in this realm have its basis?

Over the course of several years, Mark Yarhouse of Regent University and Stanton Jones of Wheaton applied the findings of the APA’s study of 200 people with unwanted same sex attraction and added a limited study of their own to conclude that sexual orientation seldom changes and therapeutic efforts within the church and ministries to change it are ineffective and likely harmful. Their additional work is discussed in this article and included just 98 people. With, according to the article, 61% of people in the study who remained involved, the findings seem to indicate the opposite—that of those involved the findings indicate significant change — “a reported 23 % success and 30% no longer self-identifying” as gay.  Yet the conclusion is that little or no significant change is possible or should be expected.  Armed with their conclusions from this study, this wing of the Christian psychological community was commissioned to then begin the work of making the Church compliant with their APA work and to try and undo human and Biblical history and reliable text.  That is truly some amazing self-importance on the part of Mohler, Keller, Moore and others as they employ and embody the language of some flimsy reasoning and hermeneutic clearly attuned to current politically correct cultural narrative and dressed in theological garb for leading you and me and our churches and families down this path of compliance.

Noted below are just some of the long established work of Yarhouse at Mohler’ SBTS and other related areas on the topic of human sexuality and gender .

Yarhouse’s CV – SBTS articles:


  Yarhouse, M. A. (2003). Applied Integration of a Sibbesian View of Assurance. The Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, 7 (4), 48-57.


  Yarhouse, M. A. (2016, April). Advanced informed consent to sexual identity therapy and gender identity consultations. Paper presented at the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors Leadership Colloquium, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.


 SBTS website:


Yarhouse contributed essay in 2004


In addition the Mohler associations with Yarhouse through  TGC and others in the SBC are well documented in previous writings by this author.


Altar 2 – Deconstructing the Idolatry of the Nuclear Family and converting to “IT TAKES A QUEER VILLAGE”

In the 2005 article linked above by Albert Mohler on “Homosexuality from a Theological Perspective” part two, the full quote on the Biblical cost of losing the battle over the asserted “discovery” of Orientation is drawn in part from the pro-homosexual writings of liberal Drew University School of Theology professor, Janet Fishburn. Here is the full quote “The critical issue used as a hermeneutical device by the revisionist is the concept of sexual orientation. The modern ‘discovery’ of sexual orientation is used to deny the truth claim clearly and inescapably made within the biblical text. For example, in regard to the Romans one text Janet Fishburn of Drew University Theological School argues: ‘Yet some biblical scholars point out that this passage can only refer to the homosexual acts of heterosexual persons. This is because the writers of the Bible did not distinguish between homosexual orientation and same-gender sexual acts. If this distinction is accepted, the condemnation of homosexuality in Romans one does not apply to the sexual acts of homosexual persons.’”

The seemingly confused Mohler in 2014, about his own conclusions in 2005 over the Biblical cost of adopting the unbiblical concept of sexual orientation, is one unsolved mystery. The other is that Mohler disciples like Russell Moore and Nate Collins, among other Mohler allies, are now echoing the further teachings of Janet Fishburn of Drew on Confronting and Deconstructing the “Idolatry of Family.”  Mohler is clearly not unfamiliar with Fishburn’s work or its pro homosexual assertions related to family and sexuality.  Now his own disciples are serving up these offerings of pagan origin to the Church. Fishburn insists that the construct of the modern concept of family is more rooted in the American Dream and unduly hinders and constrains the freedom of the Church to cater to other forms of family and lifestyles of the alternative seeker.  Fishburn rejects the traditional view of God as masculine and endorses the Goddess Sophia in her Drew fellow theologian’s book, The Feminine Dimension of the Divine which “demonstrates how the feminine aspect of God was repressed in Christianity. The spiritual needs and interests of both men and women have changed enough to merit a new edition of this superbly crafted, scholarly study of Sophia.”

In Part One of his 2005 “Theological Perspective,” Mohler covers the roots and goals of the homosexual movement with clarity. “What has followed has been a measured and strategic effort to win the legitimization of homosexuality, to promote homosexual themes in the media, to receive special entitlements as a legally protected class. Furthermore, the Movement has pushed for specific policy goals, such as the removal of all anti-sodomy laws, the recognition of homosexual partnerships on par with heterosexual marriage, anti-discrimination laws, and the removal of all barriers to homosexuals in the military, the academy, business, and the churches. In order to pursue these goals, the Homosexual Movement has organized itself as a liberation movement based on an ideology of liberation from oppression drawn upon Marxist foundations.”

Today Mohler has helped to lay in Evangelical landscape the same sexual liberation and Marxist foundations he exposed in 2005. His disciple, Nate Collins, advocates that Christian families attend gay pride parades and events to understand and embrace Stonewall and what PRIDE means to the LGBTQUI+ community. While in 2005 Mohler warned of its total sexual liberation efforts,” Mohler now asks, “How did this happen? The origins of the Homosexual Movement as a major cultural force must be traced to the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan. Known within the homosexual community as the ‘Stonewall Rebellion,’ the riot took place as New York City police raided a homosexual bar. The patrons fought back in what would become the inaugural symbol of the ‘gay liberation’ movement. As the Village Voice reported on July 3,1969: ‘Gay power erected its brazen head and spat out a fairy tale the likes of which the area has never known …Watch out. The liberation is underway.’”

How has this radical departure from Mohler’s own understanding taken place? Clearly, he is bowing at the altars of Baal, and the saddest reflection of the problem is found in his radicalized disciples, Russell Moore, Nate Collins and others that SBTS is now producing. Yarhouse and the APA and Fishburn and Drew University are clearly playing a much more significant role today, in the shaping of the Church, the gospel, the family and discipleship, than the Word of the Living God in Mohler, Keller, and the TGC/ERLC circle.  Smearing theological jargon and some carefully nuanced verses over secular and pagan ideology does not make it Biblical or a Gospel narrative.


In October 2018, the ERLC and Russell Moore will host in Dallas the “Cross Shaped Family Conference”  to which he has invited as speaker Sam Allberry, the self-professed and ever popular SSA/ Gay Priest of the Church of England. Allberry is co-founder of a ministry called “Living Out” for Gay Christians and views the nuclear family as lacking what he believes the affirming church will bring to it . In 2014 Allberry asserted the Revoice activist /Fishburn replacement theology for the “Idol ” of the Nuclear Family version in an interview with The Reformed Reader  ”  3) Remember that church is family.  Paul repeatedly refers to the local church as God’s household (i.e. 1 Tim. 3:15).  It is the family of God, and Christians should be family to one another.  Nuclear families within the church need the input and involvement of the wider church family; they are not designed to be self-contained.  Those that open up their family life to others find that it is a great two-way blessing.”

Freshly off their promotion of the radical Revoice Conference and hosting of Tim Keller and his wife Kathy for a “Gay Christianity” extravaganza in London, Living Out stepped into the global spotlight to promote a Church Audit for LGBTQ+ Inclusion as its conference legacy.

“At our Identity in Christ conference with Tim & Kathy Keller in June 2018 we launched our Living Out Church Audit – a tool to help church leadership teams answer this key question: how biblically inclusive is your church? Unsurprisingly our focus is on those who might identify as LGBTQ+/ same-sex attracted: Jesus included all in a counter-cultural way and we hope this audit will help our churches follow his lead.”

10 statements to help you audit your church family:

1 Your church family meetings include people who could be labelled LGBTQI+/ are
same-sex attracted.
True / False / Not Sure
2 Derogatory language or stereo-typing attitudes towards sexual minority groups
would not be tolerated either up-front or in conversation between church family
members. True / False / Not Sure
3 All in your church know that we all experience sexual brokenness and all are being
encouraged to confess their own sexual sins.
True / False / Not Sure
4 Same-sex sexual relationships are never mentioned in isolation from other sinful
patterns of behaviour, or from the forgiveness offered to all through faith in Christ
crucified. True / False / Not Sure
5 All in your church are encouraged to develop an identity founded first and foremost
on their union with Christ.
True / False / Not Sure
6 All in your church are hearing the same call to radical self-sacrifice of themselves in
response to God’s giving of himself in Jesus.
True / False / Not Sure
7 A godly Christian’s sexual orientation would never prevent them from exercising
their spiritual gifts or serving in leadership in your church.
True / False / Not Sure
8 God’s gifts of either singleness or marriage are equally promoted, valued and
practically supported in your church family’s life together.
True / False / Not Sure
9 Church family members instinctively share meals, homes, holidays, festivals, money,
children with others from different backgrounds and life situations to them.
True / False / Not Sure
10 No-one would be pressurised into expecting or seeking any “healing” or
change that God has not promised any of us until the renewal of all things.
True / False / Not Sure


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