Green Bay & Milwaukee Hotels Cancel WVW Rallies Because of SPLC, CAIR & Antifa Groups

All of our 5 city free, Worldview Weekend rallies have now been cancelled. We held our Des Moines, Iowa conference, but other hotels are cancelling on us. The Southern Poverty Law Center put out a list of all the hotels we were going to and their address and numbers. The goal was to intimidate the hotels into cancelling us. CAIR and self-identified Antifa groups joined in on social media to flood the hotels with calls and threats. The hotels got cold feet and cancelled our conferences, even though we had contracts. 

The Radisson Hotel and Conference Center in Green Bay, Wisconsin cancelled our Saturday night conference, and now our Milwaukee conference center has cancelled us. After years of working with the Country Springs Hotel in Pewaukee, Wisconsin, they just alerted us they are cancelling our contract and pulling our event on Monday night in Milwaukee. They are being flooded with calls by the Marxist, Muslims and Antifa groups. The hotel in Pewaukee told me even their website was hacked. They said they have never seen anything like this and have never cancelled a group. We had to cancel the Onalaska conference for Friday night. The event center there received over 57 hateful phone calls within two hours of opening their office. Hours before that rally the event cetner notified us that we do not have the type of liability insurance they required. We have NEVER been told this about our liability insurance EVER by a venue. We could not satisfy their request with just a few hours before the doors opened. Once we lose some of our biggest cities like Milwaukee and Green Bay, we cannot afford some of the other cities and thus the other cities have been cancelled.

With the Muslims, Marxists and Antifa getting 3 of our cities cancelled we were seeing they were putting all their focus on the St. Paul-Minneapolis Worldview Weekend rallies and their threats were increasing. In fact a State Trooper stopped into the hotel and asked the hotel to inform us that they were concerning about the security at our conference and to make sure we had plenty of police officers. Therefore we were left with no choice but to cancel both the Worldview Weekend rallies. With the Muslims, Marxists and Antifa getting 3 of our cities cancelled we were seeing they were putting all their focus on the St. Paul-Minneapolis Worldview Weekend rallies and their threats were increasing. In fact a State Trooper stopped into the hotel and asked the hotel to inform us that they were concerning about the security at our conference and to make sure we had plenty of police officers. Therefore we were left with no choice but to cancel both the Worldview Weekend rallies. 

The Marxists and Muslims are winning and when America has no more freedom, Americans will only have themselves to blame. 

The Muslim Explanatory Memorandum of 1991 says they will get Americans to destroy their own country by their own hand. This is how it is done. American hotels cancelling contracts of a Christian organization holding free events for conservatives and Christians. 

I have been doing this for 25 years this past February and other than my national conference that we are moving to our hometown where we know the building owners and have our own police department, we are going to rely on our radio & TV programs to get out the truth. This is what it has come to in America. We have over $15,000 into these conferences not counting printing and mailing 40,000 magazines. We cannot recoup our costs if we cannot hold the events. Please consider a tax deductible contribution to our foundation at or by sending a check to:

Worldview Weekend Foundation
P.O. Box 1690
Collierville, TN 380278


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