Do This Now To Unleash the Free Market System in America to Confront the Coronavirus Threat

We need to rely on free market ideas not socialist policies to save America's economy during this crisis and into the future. Now is time to suspend federal income tax & replace with a federal sales tax except on food & clothes so the low income are not harmed. This would encourage the positives of investing & saving as well as catch billions & billions lost in underground economy of tax invaders etc. They would pay tax when they purchase cars, stereos, iPhones, boats etc. Also the law needs to be written so that federal income tax could not come back unless federal sales tax is revoked so you don't end up with both. This would become the new American policy because it would work so well in that it would save Americans untold billions in lost productivity, tax preparation, time, accountants etc. Let the free market win this war on the Coronavirus. Let us come up with other ways to reduce the size and cost of government and eliminate the red tape and restrictions and burdens that suppress the free market. Let America become radical in releasing the free market to stimulate the economy. Offer incentives for young Americans to learn trades that will replace the aging workers that are now in those jobs. We need to work to eliminate the useless college degrees too many students receive and the crippling college debt burden that is aiding in creating America's financial mess. Set the free market loose to create new jobs, new products, and new companies that produce medicine and vitamins made in America. This is just a small list of ideas that are far better than socialist policies.

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