The Connection Between Red Heifers In Israel And House Oversight Committee On Ufos

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In a fascinating convergence of events, the red heifers in Israel and UFO hearings on Capital Hill in Washington D.C. have captured headlines. Yet, Brannon Howse describes how these two news stories are actually easily linked a few might understand.

While some may dismiss these occurrences as insignificant or unrelated, a closer examination reveals their potential significance in God's timetable. As host Brannon Howse explores these intriguing developments, he sheds light on their implications for believers and the world at large.

The Red Heifer's Arrival

Recently, hundreds of Israelis flocked to the Jewish settlement of Shiloh in central Samaria to welcome the first of five pure red heifers imported from the United States. Shiloh, the first biblical capital of Israel, holds historical significance as the place where the tabernacle stood for centuries. These red heifers, which meet the strict criteria described in the Book of Numbers, will be housed at the ancient Shiloh Heritage site. Although visitors will not be able to touch the animals due to security reasons, the presence of these red heifers signals an important milestone on God's prophetic timeline.

Understanding the Significance

It's crucial to clarify that the excitement for Christians surrounding the red heifers is not rooted in a Biblical belief in the necessity of sacrifices or the Levitical system for today as a means of forgivness of sins. Instead, the interest lies in the implications these events hold for end-time prophecies. The existence of a functioning temple is a prerequisite for certain events described in the Bible, such as the desecration of the temple by the Antichrist and the establishment of an image of the beast in the temple. The Jewish Temple Institute in Jerusalem has diligently prepared for the restoration of the temple, having trained priests, acquired the necessary garments and instruments, and now obtained the red heifers for purification rituals. One missing
component has been a purse red heifer.

A Window into God's Timetable

The arrival of these red heifers provides a glimpse into God's prophetic timetable. As believers seek to understand the Book of Revelation, there is a promised blessing for their efforts. This unfolding of events indicates that the end times are drawing near. If the trajectory continues, it aligns with the possibility of a pre-tribulation rapture, where believers are taken away before the tribulation period begins. This realization brings hope, encouragement, and a deep understanding of the current state of affairs.

The Intriguing Connection

While some may find it odd to link the red heifers' display in Israel with the House Oversight Committee's UFO hearings, Brannon Howse discerns a deeper connection. He highlights the astonishing convergence of seemingly unrelated stories that increasingly dominate the news cycle. The surge in UFO reports and discussions over the past decade, culminating in congressional hearings, aligns with long-standing occultic beliefs about a great evacuation plan involving UFOs. Brannon believes that Satan, through his influence on the entertainment industry, has been laying the groundwork for explaining the disappearance of millions of Christians. This synchronicity of events signifies Satan's awareness of the impending events foretold in the Bible.

Discerning Satan's Tactics

Satan's strategic focus on the removal of Christians from the Earth should not be taken lightly. It signifies that he recognizes the truth of God's Word and seeks to undermine it through a carefully crafted narrative. From geopolitical tensions to the push for a global currency, the rise of transhumanism, and the persecution of Christians, various elements coalesce, pointing to the potential fulfillment of end-time prophecies. Moreover, the increasing prominence of UFO-related discussions and reports indicates the widespread dissemination of a narrative that aligns with Satan's plan. Christians must engage in thoughtful discussions about these matters without resorting to hostility or division. Many Christians agree on the vast majority of Biblical doctrines but disagree on the timing of the removal of the church from this world. Howse cautious against these Christians mocking each other but instead to debate each other. 

Anticipation and Responsibility

Brannon Howse shares his longing to be "out of here." However, he recognizes the importance of ensuring that loved ones are saved before that day arrives. The delay in Christ's return signifies God's desire for more individuals to come to repentance and receive eternal salvation. As believers eagerly await the Lord's return, they should remain vigilant and actively share the Gospel with those around them.


The convergence of events surrounding the red heifer and UFO hearings offers a captivating glimpse into the unfolding of biblical prophecies. These occurrences serve as signposts on God's prophetic timeline, reinforcing the urgency for believers to be prepared and share the Gospel. As the world witnesses geopolitical, technological, and spiritual shifts, it becomes increasingly important to discern the times and cling to the truth found in God's Word. The exciting journey of interpreting these prophetic puzzles invites believers to seek understanding, hope, and a deeper relationship with God as they await His imminent return.


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For a free, no obligation packet of information on precious metals or putting gold into your IRA please text your name and address to Wes Peters of Swiss America or call him at 602-558-8585. 

This article is sponsored as a public service of the Worldview Weekend Foundation. Thank you for your contribution to so we can continue to offer this FREE service.

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Worldview Weekend Foundation
P.O. Box 1690
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