Can We Count on You To Support Contend 2016: A Free, Student Worldview Weekend?

Worldview Weekend Foundation
1016 West Poplar Ave #106-228
Collierville, TN 38017     

Dear Friends,

Contend 2014 was our first, exclusively, student Worldview Weekend and we had a wonderful attendance of high school and college students from 23 states. Contend 2015 was attended by students from 26 states and registration was far ahead of 2014. We are now making preparations for the free, Contend 2016 student Worldview Weekend but we need your partnership to make sure the conference takes place.

The Contend conference is free and in fact we don’t even take an offering at the conference because we do not want the students to think we have any agenda other than ministering to them and equipping them with Biblical truth. In fact, both in 2014 and 2015, we gave all the students free Biblical worldview books to take home with them. In 2016, we will do the same. 

At Contend 2015 we had one hour where the students could come to the microphone and ask a question of the speakers. The students were lined up at two different microphones the entire hour. They had so many good questions and enjoyed this exercise so much that at Contend 2016, we will have two and maybe three such Q&A sessions.

While Contend 2016 is free, the conference cost around $20,000 to sponsor after we pay for the facility we use, fly in the speakers, pay them a reasonable honorarium, and cover their lodging and meals. We also have to rent tables and table clothes for the students to sit at so they can take notes. Just the table and table clothes cost us around $3,000.00 for that many students. We also have promotional materials that needed to be printed and mailed in order to alert families and youth leaders about the free Contend 2016 conference.

We really need to hear from you today with your vote of support for this third year of ministry through the free Contend 2016 conference.

Would you please make  tax deductible contribution today and help us cover the cost of this free Biblical worldview weekend for students? You can make a tax deductible contribution right now at or you can send a check to the address above. Please let us hear from you right away so we know we can confidentially move forward knowing we have the necessary support to host Contend 2016. 

I want you to fully understand what takes place at a Contend: Student Worldview Weekend because I am not sure there is any other such conference available to students in North America.  Thus, I am enclosing links to six video clips from some of the various speakers.

The dates for this year’s conference are December 31st, 2015 and January 1st & 2nd, 2016. Each year is 100% new material. Our schedule will run as follows:

Thursday Evening

6pm CT to 10:00 p.m. 

Friday Morning

10:00 a.m. to 12 noon

Friday Afternoon

2:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Friday Night

7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Saturday Morning

9:30 a.m. to 12 noon

The speakers this year will include: Jesse Johnson, Mike Abendroth, Jared Carlson, Mike Riddle and myself.

Contend 2016 will be 100% new material. We will once again cover topics that are specifically facing today’s high school and college students. We will examine these issues, ideas, philosophies, and worldviews in light of God’s Word so we might know how we are to think and respond as Christians.  Here are some video clips of some of the keynote presentations from Contend 2014: 

What Should Be The Life Goal of Every Christian?

Refuting the ISMS of The Day (Clip 1)

How We Know The Bible Is God's Word

Preserving in The Face of Persecution by Michael Furchert

Islamic Lies in America's Textbooks (Clip #1)

If The Church is NOT Commanded To Give to the Poor of The World What Is Our Biblical Responsibility Financially?

This conference is completely free and a ministry of Worldview Weekend and Worldview Weekend Foundation. Your continued support of the Worldview Weekend Foundation makes this vital ministry possible along with our ongoing radio and television ministry.

Would you please go to right now and make a tax deductible contribution?

Remember we sponsor many radio and television programs on both and In addition to our own Worldview Weekend Radio program and Worldview Weekend Hour television program, we distribute, sponsor, and in some cases even produce, Biblically based radio and television programs hosted by others. 

Many of the programs we broadcast are unique to our broadcast ministry. In the past couple of years we have encouraged and trained men to start radio and television programs that we could distribute world-wide for free. Some of those men now broadcasting at our request with include Justin Peters, Mike Gendron, Mike Riddle, Chris Pinto, Jesse Johnson, Justin Peters, Jimmy DeYoung, John Whitcomb, T.A. McMahon, Mike Abendroth and John Loeffler. We also carry the weekly ladies Bible study of Susan Heck.

Your ongoing financial support allows us to cover bandwidth and distribution costs, computer programming costs, and the mobile apps and Roku channel that we use to distribute these Biblical programs free of charge.

So that you might understand some of the vitally important Biblical issues we are covering on our television program, I have enclosed some links to some of the following short video clips:

Pope Francis, Tony Palmer, & Kenneth Copeland Building Harlot Church?

Why Transubstantiation is Not Biblical and Proves The Church of Rome Has A Different Jesus

The Sovereign, Providence and Will of God (A clip from program 2)

When Mega Pastors Twist Scripture & Arms for Money (Clip 2)

If you agree with the work we are doing, would you please consider a tax deductible contribution today? You can make a one-time contribution or set up an automatic, monthly contribution by going to

You can also send a check to the address at the top of this letter. Thank you.

In closing, several people have asked us to set up the ability for them to contribute automatically with a monthly contribution. You can set this up at You can still make a one-time or occasional contribution on our website as well. If you prefer to send a tax-deductible gift by check our address is at the top of this letter. Thank you for your continued support and prayers. 

We pray that our ministry will continue to equip and encourage you in Biblical truth as well as many of today’s Christian high school and college students through Contend 2016. 


Brannon Howse

Worldview Weekend Foundation

Brannon Howse
Worldview Weekend Foundation 



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    PO BOX 1690
    Collierville, TN, 38027 USA

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