Peter Pry: August 30, 2021


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Dr. Pry discusses the larger national security implications of the Biden Administration’s catastrophe in Afghanistan.  The Afghanistan debacle could be the final straw that destroys U.S. credibility as the leader of the Free World.  U.S. allies may now have such little trust in Washington that they think they are on their own.  Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and others could start nuclear weapons programs to protect themselves.  Worse, and more likely, U.S. allies (including NATO) may “go neutral” or cut deals with Russia and China to protect their national security.  Thus, without fighting World War III, the block of totalitarian states and tyrannies that is Russia-China-North Korea-Iran may come to dominate the World Order.  To make matters even worse, if Pakistan falls to radical Islam, virtually overnight the Taliban could become a nuclear threat to the U.S. homeland.  

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