Chris Pinto, May 21, 2013


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ROB BELL: A DISCIPLE OF HELL? Chris discusses the latest announcement of former evangelical pastor, Rob Bell who has declared that God is moving the church toward the acceptance of homosexual marriage,and that Christians need to "affirm" and accept homosexuals as "brothers and sisters" -- rather than warn them to repent. This is the latest from Bell, whose book "Love Wins" taught that ultimately nobody goes to Hell, and that everyone will end up in heaven sooner or later --egardless of whether they have believed the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In Matthew, Jesus reproved the Pharisees, and said to them: "... ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves." (Matt. 23:15) Is Rob Bell leading souls to Hell? Is he a child of Hell himself? And what will the acceptance of so-called "homosexual Christianity" do to the Church and America?

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