Chris Pinto, July 30, 2013


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POPE TO GAYS: 'WHO AM I TO JUDGE?' Pope Francis has now sent a message to members of Catholic clergy who are homosexual that they should not be judged either by him or anyone else. The Pope was quoted saying, "they should not be marginalized ... but ... they must be integrated into society." Chris addresses the history of Rome and the homosexual movement in the United States, which can be traced to a Jesuit priest named John McNeill, a self professing homosexual who wrote the book "The Church and the Homosexual" in 1977. Also addressed are recent comments from James White on the film, "Tares Among the Wheat." White (whose research was celebrated by the late Bruce Metzger) has not seen the film, yet he was compelled by others to offer his opinion. Chris also confronts a video featuring Dr. Daniel Wallace of Dallas Theological Seminary in which the controversy with Constantine Simonides is mentioned.

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