Brannon Howse: October 20


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Topic One: Lord Christopher Monckton gave a speech on October 14th in St. Paul, MN warning of the a treaty that will bring us world government. The United Nation's summit in Copenhagen in December will seek to replace the 1997 Kyoto treaty with the United Nations' Climate Change Treaty that will cement world government into place and train the wealth of the western nations. This audio and video is going viral on the internet. Topic Two: Chick Little Gordon Brown says the world has 50 days to act on global warming or the damage will be irreversible. Topic Three: Hear a portion of the speech by President Kennedy that was delivered on April 27, 1961 before the American Newspaper Publishers Association. In this speech President Kennedy spoke against secret societies and warned that his administration would not tolerate their illegal or un-American actions. Topic Four: Speaking of secret societies, Treasury Secretary Geithner aides made millions on Wall Street says Financial Topic Five: Long range Islamic demographics do not look good for Europe or America.

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