Brannon Howse: May 8


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Topic One: The government GPS Tagged Brannon’s house and has or will tag your home in the next 90 days. Why? Why is the federal government spending $700 million to have 140,000 workers tag every front door with GSP in just 90 days? The census is not until 2010 and this person that is tagging your front door does not even talk to you since they just walk up to your door and load the GPS coordinates and walk away. In Germany, Jews were given a yellow Star of David to wear, I wonder if in today’s America, Christians will have a yellow cross on the governments GPS map? Topic Two: Obama’s civilian military force that he called for during the election will be created with the volunteerism bill that is now law. This civilian military force will largely consist of thugs that have gone through intense brain-washing to hate conservatives , the Constitution and Christians. Documentation reveals many members come from gangs, the welfare rolls and former convicts. Will they get special police powers during an emergency and will they be the ones using the GPS coordinates? Topic Three: Just one example of why this is a spiritual battle. Topic Four: Thought police going after the internet. The government will judge your intent if it they have to make it up. H.R. 1966 could get you sent off to jail for two years for sending an e-mail that may “cause substantial emotional distress to a person”. If this bill becomes law I guess this will be the end of e-mail alerts for conservatives and Christian organizations. Topic Five: Obama hints at the need for a national conversation about active euthanasia for seniors that will be a drain on our national healthcare resources. Topic Six: Liberals who hate Christians love pedophiles and refuse to pass an amendment on to H.R. 1913 that excludes pedophiles from special protection. Does this not tell you all you need to know about their real goal for America and Christians? Topic Seven: Patriot Act causes 16 year-old home-school student to be tossed in jail with no Constitutional rights. Topic Eight: Obama wants to move Christians out of the health-care industry by refusing to allow them to reject, due to their conscience, participating in abortions or active euthanasia. I guess with Christians moved out this industry no one will be left to defend the life of the helpless. Topic Nine: The hard government figures that prove America is bankrupt and on the verge of being insolvent and Obama is working overtime to make sure we go bankrupt doing his first term. Why?

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