Brannon Howse: May 7, 2010


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Topic One: Worldview Weekend columnist Trevor Loudon has done some great research that has been picked up by one other national talk show host. Loudon reveals that radical Joel Rogers, a Madison, Wisconsin and sociologist created a movement that launched Barack Obama. Radical and self admitted Communist Van Jones works with Joel Rogers as well as Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Democratic Socialist of America and Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), and Institute for Policy Studies. Together they created the New Party with its first meeting in the home of Joel Rogers. Obama become a New Party member in 1995. Joel Rogers and his friend Jeff Jones, formally with the domestic terrorist organization the Weather Underground, founded Apollo Alliance which helped to right the 2009 stimulus bill that will funnel an estimated $80 billion back to Jones, Rogers and his radical anti-American, anti-Christian, Anti-capitalist friends. However, Rogers is not happy with just $80 billion he is calling for $800 billion. Our tax-money is going to be used by the group of thugs to destroy our nation. Loudon puts it this way "These 'green' armies will be the vote herders of the future. They will confront the Tea Party movement and other patriots on the streets of America. They will be the paramilitary armies used to intimidate the very people who fund them." But wait, this big radical environmental and social justice movement also includes Rev. Jim Wallis and the radicals have infiltrated America's churches. Case in point, Lynn Hybels, the wife of Rev. Bill Hybels of Willow Creek is now writing for the website of Rev. Jim Wallis, a pro-Marxist. Hybels is co-founder of one of the largest churches in America. We have warned you over and over that the apostate church would play a leading role in destroying America and introducing the new system of the globalists.

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