Brannon Howse: May 21, 2010


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Topic One: New article surfaces in which Southern Baptist broadcaster Richard Land says he is for social justice and says that abortion is a social justice issue. No it is not. Abortion is a justice issue. Abortion is a Biblical issue. Social justice is a phrase coined by Karl Marx so why is Land working overtime to use a word coined by Karl Marx? Why not use Biblical terms like The Great Commission and Biblical evangelism instead of using the term of today's Marxists, socialists and globalists? Land says, "We're going to have disagreements about the best way to bring about social justice." Thinking Christians do not have disagreements about how to bring about social justice because we do not want social justice. Land is giving the term credibility by using it. In addition he is also confusing Christian adults and young people by using the term. Land is becoming an embarrassment for many Southern Baptists. Topic Two: Are the radicals behind sustainable development also behind the idea of implanting a chip the size of a grain of rice under your skin in order to track you? Topic Three: A bill moving through the U.S. Senate will provide 33.5 billion dollars for funding the war in Afghanistan that many say cannot be won. So why is this war being waged by Obama? He expanded the war in Afghanistan. Gerald Celente says America is following the path of history's failed empires. Major General Smedley Butler, the most decorated Marine ever to serve, at the time of his death, said that war was "conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many….Out of war a few people make huge fortunes." Is the military industrial complex driving Obama's foreign policy? A recent study reveals that the military industrial complex gave twice the money to the campaign of Obama as they gave to McCain's campaign. Topic Four: We take your calls.

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