Brannon Howse: March 31


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The Obama Two-Step: Step One: Obama’s Administration covertly manufactures a problem. Step Two: Obama’s union community organizers play the role of the protest movement all in the deliberately planned campaign of class warfare to pass more legislation that will re-distribute the wealth. This is right out of “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinksy and the SEIU and other unions are playing along. Topic Two: The fastest growing union in North America is the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). After giving millions of dollars and hundreds of thousands of man hours to get Obama elected, it now appears that the SEIU is now getting a return on their investment as Obama creates more government employees. SEIU is not only a union for government employees but they are also a healthcare union. We now have 14 million federal employees and Obama is creating more that gives more union paying members to SEIU. Don’t look now but the unions are getting bigger by the day thanks to Obama and it is my opinion that they and ACORN will work to steal elections in two years. If Obama gets more support in Congress he will get real radical with his legislation. Topic Three: Major banks gave millions to get Obama elected and he is paying them back with your money and bailouts. Topic Four: Did you know that Obama has given $100 billion in taxpayer money to AIG and then they distributed it to banks in France and Germany? Topic Five: U.S. Treasury Secretary Geithner says he is open to global currency? China and Russia are calling for global currency? Topic Six: Will U.S. financial woes lead Fabian Socialists to justify their “New World Order”. Topic Seven: Obama Administration wants to end use of the words “Global War on Terror” for “Overseas Contingency Operation” Topic Eight: Obama to destroy private non-profits that help the poor to justify more government and more votes for him and his liberal poverty pimp friends. Topic Nine: The problem is not lack of consumer spending it is not enough savings and investing. Topic Ten: Guest: Dr. Judith Reisman speaks out on the politically incorrect truth about the homosexual Nazis that killed Christians, Jews and blacks. The Gay mafia wants to re-write history and make themselves out to be the victims when they were the victimizers. Dr. Reisman is a member of the International Committee on Holocaust Truth and she will set the record straight. Even the military channel recently reported that Hitler’s body guards were known homosexuals who showed off their boyfriends pictures to each other. Learn the truth behind the “Night of the Long Knives”. Can we expect the radical homosexuals in America to be involved in the increasing persecution of Christians as they were in Germany?

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