Brannon Howse: June 12


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Brannon’s guest is Ken Ham: Topic One: The Holocaust Museum shooter was not a Christian as some liberal media are reporting. The man’s website attacks Jews and Christians and calls Christianity a Jewish birthed religion. The liberal media will not be confused by the facts as many will seek to use these horrible crimes to attempt to portray Christians a threat to society. Nothing could be further from the truth. Ken and Brannon discuss the increasing threats coming to them personally, their organizations and other Christians that speak Biblical truth. Topic Two: Ken’s new book is based on a detailed national study and survey. The results reveal that Children raised in Bible teaching churches are walking away from the faith in big numbers. In fact, only 10% are denying their faith once they leave for college. 90% of evangelical students are denying their faith before college and a large percentage have chosen to reject a Biblical worldview while in elementary and middle school. Why is this the case? What can every parent and grandparent do about this? What do the churches need to change? Why does attending Sunday school not improvement a child’s Biblical worldview? Ken’s study means the Bible teaching churches and homes need to make drastic changes.

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