Brannon Howse: June 1


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Topic One: Obama calls for Preventive Detention Centers for terrorist suspects who are deemed a threat to national security but cannot be tried. Two unnamed sources in a meeting with Obama said this is very stunning and that this policy would be for those captured in settings other than a legitimate battlefield like Afghanistan. If the Department of Homeland Security can define conservatives and Christians as “extremists” how far of a stretch is it to label us as potential terrorist suspects that are a threat to national security and throw us in a Preventative Detention Center? Topic Two: Obama’s Justice Department appointees tell career JD lawyers to drop charges against Black Panthers that blocked the doors to the voting booth in Pennsylvania, hurled racial insults at whites, wielded night sticks, and were dressed in military uniforms. Why would charges be dropped? Because this is the model for the Obama “red shirt”, civilian military force that Obama called for during the campaign. Expect more of this now that the national volunteerism bill has become law and will spend billions of dollars and train millions of young radicals over the next five years. Remember Saul Alinsky called for community organizers to agitate to the point of conflict. As police forces are being downsized, and in some cities eliminated as towns become unincorporated, watch and see if Obama’s civilian military force will be called upon to fill-in the void. Topic Three: Speaking of the U.S. Constitution, Obama says “I think it is an imperfect document, and I think it is a document that reflects some deep flaws.” So guess what? Obama trashes the Fifth Amendment by taking the property of American businessmen without due process. Obama has stolen and given away, for free, the car dealerships of families that have spent millions of dollars to build them and maintain them. The U.S. Constitution and contract law mean nothing in America any longer. Topic Four: We take your calls from all over the country on these topics.

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