Brannon Howse: July 20, 2010


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Topic One: Brannon is a guest on Bryan Fischer's radio program and Bryan is a guest on Brannon's program. They simulcast their radio programs together live, nation-wide to discuss what have become non-stop, weekly articles quoting Matt Staver of the Liberty Counsel and Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention promoting Obama's amnesty legislation. A new article today in the New York Times quotes Bryan Fischer in his reasonable and Biblical opposition to amnesty but Staver and Land are quoted enthusiastically supporting Obama's agenda. These evangelicals must take the Bible out of context to support Obama's agenda. In fact Richard Land declares " “I’ve had some older conservative leaders say: ‘Richard, stop this. You’re going to split the conservative coalition,’ ” Dr. Land continued. “I say it might split the old conservative coalition, but it won’t split the new one." Just what kind of "new coalition" is Land speaking of? Is Land speaking of new, kinder, gentler, social justice, republican Christians? Bryan and Brannon discuss their belief that most evangelicals do not agree with Staver and Land's support of Obama's amnesty agenda. Fischer and Howse agree that Land and Staver have done much in defense of Biblical values but on this one, Staver and Land are seriously misguided. Topic Two: Brannon's second guest is Ed Decker. Ed and Brannon discuss the connection between Mormonism and Dominion Theology. As Mr. Decker explains, Mormonism includes the belief that they will usher in a theocracy and God's Kingdom on earth. Many evangelicals also believe in Dominion Theology but they believe God's kingdom will be lead by a group of Christian rulers where the Mormons believe the rulers will be Mormons. Why do Brannon and Ed not accept the eschatology of Dominion Theology? While evangelical Christians and Mormons agree on many important moral and social issues and can be co-belligerents together on such issues as abortion, same-sex marriage, and government tyranny, we must be careful to clearly explain that Biblical Christianity and Mormonism do not have the same definitions to such terms as Jesus Christ, salvation, atonement, the Gospel and the purpose of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Topic Three: We take your calls.

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