Brannon Howse: January 21, 2010


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Topic One: Swedish family being persecuted through the U.N Convention on the Rights of the Child. America, this is what will happen if Obama, Hillary, and his U.N. Ambassador, are able to join this treaty as they have expressed the desire to do. Topic Two: Obama's regulatory Czar Cass Sunstein says the government should "infiltrate" groups that disagree with the government's agenda and proclaim "conspiracy" theories. Topic Three: Part two of Brannon's keynote presentation "Put Your Beliefs to the test. Brannon tackles such questions as: All Religions are equally true. No one should ever judge the actions, beliefs or behavior of others. Science, History and Literature can be taught without a religious or philosophical foundation. Evolution is scientific while creationism is religious. You cannot legislate morality. God is opposed to all war and capital punishment. Abortion should be legal because a women can do whatever she wants with her body. The more one discovers about the universe, the more one discovers evidence of a designer.

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