Brannon Howse: December 16


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Brannon's guest is John McTernan. U.S. Military report seems to blame Bible-Believing Christians for lack of world peace, understanding and dialogue. A U.S. Army Major has written a long report on how Christians that believe in the rapture, the defense of Israel, absolute truth, the infallible account of the words of God, the dislike for the United Nations, and the opposition to global-governance are having a negative impact on public-policy, driving the U.S. further from the U.N., undermining the U.N., America and Russia relations and will likely push U.S. policy in the wrong direction for years. This report has been posted on the website of the School of Advanced Military Studies, United States Army Command and General Staff College. This report is very troubling on many fronts. It is wrong for the military to use tax-payer money to distribute a report that attacks Christians and thier end-times views, regardless if it is a paper for class. Why is such a paper being written and posted? Do our soliders not have real enemies to study? This is further proof that the military is increasingly being politicized and embracing political correctness. What does such a report have to do with fullfilling the purpose of the U.S. Military? Are Christians with this end-time view the threat or the enemy? The report sure seems to imply they are not making America or the world a better place. Please listen to this program and forward it to all your friends.

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