Brannon Howse: April 26, 2010


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We are on our way back from a great Branson Worldview Weekend and will have a new program Tuesday. Till, then, enjoy this best of flasback. Topic One: Even Obama's fans notice he's a phony in how he writes, talks, and even walks says Tim Graham. About six months ago Brannon said Obama deliberately talks with a gangster style and cadence when speaking before people in a certain part of a state or certain part of the country. A black man in Alabama called in to jump all over Brannon for saying this while a black women from Wisconsin called in to agree with Brannon. Well now Obama has admitted he does this. Topic Two: A few weeks ago Brannon said he thought the world could see a world currency based on a person's carbon footprint. On April 5th, 2010 an article was printed titled "Is Gordon Brown Proposing to Print Climate Money? Topic Three: Good news for now as U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has ruled the FCC has no power to regulate Net neutrality which would be the fairness doctrine for the internet. Topic Four: Obama is disarming America and declaring we will not use nuclear weapons even if attacked by our enemies. Another long-time stated goal of the Communist was to disarm America and Obama is accomplishing this with record speed as President. Topic Five: ObamaCare creates national army of health workers that are trained with the military. What is this all about? Topic Six: More than a quarter of Americans are supports of Tea Party Movement and a Rasmussen Reports polls reveals that "48% of voters say that the average Tea Party member is closer to their views than President Barack Obama." Topic Seven: National Inflation Association puts out report stating that "NIA believes hyperinflation is possible by the year 2015". Can the average person do? Topic Eight: Authors say the world is headed for global revolution as China is growing ever more powerful and could trigger a global collapse. The authors state that "the dollar's value is bound to drop dramatically and it's inevitable." Topic Eight: News reports state that Fox News Channel now has as its second largest shareholder a Muslim prince. Are the reports true that Fox News Channel will now not allow attacks against Islam on it airwaves?

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