Brannon Howse: April 21


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Topic One: Were the Tea Parties the beginning of the tax revolt predicted by Gerald Celente? Topic Two: Gerald Celente and Brannon Howse have both predicted for years that America was moving toward Corporate Fascism. Government will trade federal aid for a large stake in ownership of some of America’s biggest banks. Topic Three: Will 2012 be the year of America’s financial collapse? Topic Four: FBI was spying on Americans and taking pictures and video of those that attended the Tea Parties? Topic Five: Here comes the hate crime legislation and crimilization of Christianity. Topic Six: Miss California lost contest for saying she disagreed with homosexual marriage? The homosexual judge that asked the question during the live broadcast calls Miss California a nasty four letter word during a recorded rant on his website but where is the media on his hate speech? Topic Seven: CNN’s Anderson Cooper uses gross term in describing those that attended the Tea Parties. Why is this not hate-speech? Topic Eight: 17 year-old, self-professed, homosexual testifies before committee in Vermont calling for gay-marriage and in doing so admits it is not about gay-marriage.

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