Brannon Howse: Aired November 4, 2013


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Tom DeLay has been cleared of criminal wrong doing by the 3rd District Texas Court of Appeals and now hear the audio of Tom DeLay as he tells Word of Faith preacher John Hagee that God is speaking to him and has told him he is to write a book on constitutional revival and God told him what the title of the book should be and God told him that he was going to help lead a spiritual awakening in America. DeLay says he had a conference call with God after reading Jesus Calling while on a plane. Jesus Calling was written by Sarah Young and many theologians believe she is promoting the very kind of mysticism that Tom DeLay now seems to be embracing as evident by proclamation by DeLay to John Hagee and the church of Hagee. DeLay also claims that Jesus died for our freedom and that freedom is manifested in the Constitution and God created the Constitution. Brannon explains why this is utter heresy and is an example of the dangerous Christian nationalism flooding into the New Religious Right. Brannon explains how this Christian nationalism is very similar to the Christian nationalism of Nazi Germany under Hitler as he merged all denominations and co-opted the church with paganism, mysticism and a nationalistic brand of Christianity that was anything but Christian. Topic: We take your calls.

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