Brannon Howse: Aired November 30, 2010


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Brannon's guest is retired General Jim Cash. General Cash served as the assistant Director of Operations for NORAD as well as serving in many other important capacities in his distinguished career with the United States Air Force. General Cash is Brannon's guest for the entire program to discuss why he believes that it was a missile launched off the coast of California in November of 2010. Who does he believe launched this missile and why? How much damage could an EMP attack do to our nation? Why is it so important that America have a strong military? How much has our military been reduced since Ronald Reagan was President? What has occurred inside the military and with our elected officials that has allowed our military to be so weakened? Why do more retired generals not speak up and speak out about what is happening to America and our U.S. military? Where are we likely to see the next major world conflict and why? What have we done to ourselves that invites an attack by our enemies?

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