Brannon Howse: Aired May 6, 2014


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Dr. John Whitcomb joins us for this installment of Ask Dr. John. Question: As new followers in Christ, is it imperative to start our study in Romans, following the commandment stated in Rom. 16:25, 26? Question: I feel convicted that it is through Christ and Christ alone that I am saved, but I know that John 14:15 says that if I love the Lord, I will keep His commandments through His strengthening and through the Holy Spirit. How should I understand this? Question: Rev. 19:7 says, “His wife has made herself ready" (NKJV). How will this happen? Question: Will the saints in heaven during the tribulation period be educated as to how to rule the nations and carry out the duties of the priesthood during the millennium? Question: After the millennium, after Satan is thrown into the Lake of Fire, what happens to all the people who did not rebel and are still alive? Do they get glorified bodies or do they go into eternity in their normal physical bodies? Question: Do unconverted Jews believe in the Triune God?
Question: Is the Allah of Islam the same as God the Father? Question: Our family moved away from an area where we had a solid home church with an exceptional Bible-teaching pastor, and there is nothing like this near our new home. How can we find a new church? Question: What types of ministries do you think have the greatest potential at this time? Topic: We take your calls.

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