Brannon Howse: Aired March 5, 2014


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Topic: PBS airs “Secrets of the Vatican” that exposes what some call the powerful gay mafia inside the Church of Rome. Topic: Pope approves of married priest in America for the first time since the 1920s. Is this a trend to deal with the vast number of homosexual priests? Topic: Ambrose College teaches students the ways of the Desert Fathers. Who were there Desert fathers and why is this nothing more than New Age occultism or Eastern mysticism? Topic: American Family Association writer says that the Son of God film “is faithful to the gospel message.” How can that be the case when the film does not give the Biblical gospel and in fact distorts many Biblical truths? Brannon reads a review of the film that should be of serious concern to Biblically minded Christians and cause such Christians to wonder why self-professing evangelical and pro-family organizations would call something faithful to the gospel that is known to have serious Biblical flaws and included consultants that are known false teachers. In addition, Roma Downey, one of the producers, is a New Age Catholic.

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