Brannon Howse: Aired March 12, 2014


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Topic: A young man that says in his bio that he works for Summit Ministries has written an article on his website entitled: The Pope is Right: Who am I to Judge? Former Catholic Mike Gendron joins Brannon to break down the troubling aspects of this article and what he says about the young evangelicals of today. Topic: The sad and theologically dangerous thing is that so many self-professing Christian and Christian worldview organizations are today teaching philosophy but not Biblical theology. It is impossible to have a Biblical worldview without sound Biblical theology which includes rejection false religions such as the Church of Rome. Topic: This young author writes: Ultimately, we Christians must keep in mind that Jesus, the person we are called to imitate, attracted huge crowds, not because he was constantly criticizing others, but because he was congenial, sociable, and loving…And in response, Jesus met them where they were – at their time and place of need – without question or rejection.” Brannon and Mike explain why this is false and not Biblical. Topic: The author writes: “The Pope is right. It doesn’t matter who you are sexually attracted to. It doesn’t matter what you believe your sexual orientation is. What matters is that you, as a human being with intrinsic value and worth, seek God and strive to live according to God’s design, which, when followed, leads to human fulfillment and true, unshakeable happiness.” Mike and Brannon explain why this is Biblical false. Topic: Megapastor converts to Catholicism. Topic: Jesuit College to host annual drag show. Topic: We take your calls.

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