Brannon Howse: Aired June 6, 2014


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Guests: Jim Richards and Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. Brannon's first guest is Jim Richards, author of the New York Times Best-Seller "The Death of Money. Optimists have always said, in essence, that there’s nothing to worry about—that confidence in the dollar will never truly be shaken, no matter how high our national debt or how dysfunctional our government. But in the last few years, the risks have become too big to ignore. While Washington is gridlocked and unable to make progress on our long-term problems, our biggest economic competitors—China, Russia, and the oilproducing nations of the Middle East—are doing everything possible to end U.S. monetary hegemony. The potential results: Financial warfare. Deflation. Hyperinflation. Market collapse. Chaos. Topic: Dr. Jimmy DeYoung joins Brannon to discuss these topic: Palestinian Factions: Fatah & Hamas unite, form government so they can destroy Israel. Topic: Israeli Air Force is declared second only to the United States Air Force. Topic: Israeli Ambassador demands that United States move their Embassy to Jerusalem. Topic: Former Egyptian Defense Minister and Military Chief of Staff to be sworn in as President.

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