Brannon Howse: Aired June 3, 2014


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Topic: “The Stranger” documentary put out by the radical “Evangelical Immigration table” is to be screened in thousands of U.S. churches in what Brannon describes as an attempt to further the agenda of the globalist, communist, communitarian, big government, social justice advocates that are behind amnesty legislation. Brannon plays a few sound clips from the documentary that includes a Southern Baptist pastor giving the impression that anyone opposed to amnesty does not want people coming to America or to Christ because they are different from themselves. Brannon explains how he believes racism is a charge being leveled against those that do not support the liberal legislation bill that would cost $512 billion in additional government programs, a government identification card for every American and lower the wages of many Americans. Topic: Hear a Southern Baptist Pastor on this documentary imply that unless we pass an amnesty bill many people will never hear the gospel and go to hell. Why does Brannon say this statement not only is manipulation but calls into question God’s sovereign providence, implies the Holy Spirit only convicts sinners that live in the United States and implies that Christians in other parts of the world are not qualified at presenting the gospel to unbelievers. Topic: We take your calls.

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