Brannon Howse: Aired July 30, 2013


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Twisted Scriptures Twisted Theology (Program #5): Brannon starts the program by answering the question from a caller from program #4. The question was if Joel 2 is referring to God’s spirit being poured out on all flesh or on just the children of Israel. Joel 2 appears to be written specially to the children of Israel as we read in Zechariah 12:10. There are several interpretative challenges in Joel 2 and theologians disagree as to whether Joel 2:28-31 occurs during the tribulation or during the millennium. Brannon explains why he believes it is during the tribulation. However, the Joel 2 text is clear that this is not today. Thus, don’t let people use Joel 2 to justify visions, dreams, and extra-Biblical revelation as being for today. Verses: Mathew 8:16-17 is often used by the Word of Faith proponents to claim that healing and salvation go hand in hand. Hear an audio of Benny Hinn making such a statement. Why is Benny Hinn and the Word of Faith wrong and what is the correct interpretation of Mathew 8:16-17? Verse: I Peter 4:6: This passage is used to say that people that have died will get a second chance at hearing and responding to the gospel. Why is this a twisted interpretation and what is the correct interpretation? Verse: Psalm 105:9: This verse is used today as an attempt to silence the critics of false teachers. However the text is speaking of prophets and today we don’t have prophets; that office is closed. Topic: We take your calls.

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