Brannon Howse: Aired January 28, 2014


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Dr. John Whitcomb joins Brannon for this episode of Ask Dr. John. Question: Some people say that the Bible is full of teaching on a flat earth. Does the Bible teach a flat earth or a spherical earth? Question: We know God’s voice through Scripture, and the more we are in Scripture the more familiar we become with His voice. When we receive the leading of the Holy Spirit we know it is from God because we recognize His voice from Scripture. Why then do you say that God does not speak today? Question: What is the gift of prophecy in I Corinthians 14? Is it just interpreting Scripture and proclaiming the truth of it to the church or is it something else? Question: I am wondering about the DNA of Jesus. I know that God used Mary's DNA, but since she would not have had a Y chromosome God would have had to provide additional DNA since Jesus was a man. Is there any chance that God could have refashioned Mary's DNA so that the DNA of Jesus was the same DNA as Adam had (1 Cor. 15:45)? Question: According to 1 Tim. 3:2, 12 and Tit. 1:6, a man who is selected to be a bishop or a deacon must be “the husband of one wife.” Does that mean that a man who is divorced and remarried, even if divorced on Biblical grounds, cannot serve in these offices in the church? Question: If all of a Christian’s sins are forgiven – past, present and future – why does 1 John 1:9 tell us to confess our sins? If these sins do not affect us positionally with God, how do they affect our relationship with Him? Question: I have a friend who has been deceived by the Word of Faith movement. One of her favorite passages is I John 4:17. She believes this passage is saying that believers can do anything Jesus did. I have explained that if you take this approach, you are saying you are God, because Jesus is God. Could you please exegete this passage and give me some more information to help my friend? Question: Is it murder to deprive a terminally ill person of food and water until he dies if the person has requested "death with dignity"? Question: What theologians have had the greatest impact on your life and ministry? Topic: We take your calls.

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