Clint Clements: February 18, 2019 This week we will continue our discussion on the book "The Planned Destruction of America" by Dr. James W. Wardner. This week we will discuss th
Clint Clements: February 12, 2019 Multinational Corporations (MNC) and their destruction of America goes hand in hand with the Federal Reserve, CFR and the Trilateral Commission.&
Clint Clements: January 16, 2019 In the show we will continue our discussions on the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The Trilateral Commission. Both entities have t
Clint Clements: December 24, 2018 This show we are continuing the discussion of the book "The Planned Destruction of America" by Dr. James W. Wardner. In this show we will finish
Clint Clements: December 17, 2018 We are reviewing the book the Planned Destruction of America by Dr. James W. Wardener. We open the show by discussing current issues with Americ
Clint Clements: December 10, 2018 The topics on this week's program include: 1. Condition of the United States today. 2. Condition of the Church in Amer
Clint Clements: November 12, 2018 With the shooting in Pittsburgh at the Synagogue it seemed like a good idea to review how to survive an active shooter event. In this show we wi
Clint Clements: November 2, 2018 Join us this week as we discuss a number of things happening here in the US that all result in the US heading into a totalitarian state if we are not
Clint Clements: October 17, 2018 We will be talking about the Deep State and their push to attack and destroy anyone or anything that gets in their way. We will discuss a number
Clint Clements: October 8, 2018 1. The testimony of James Baker, former FBI Chief legal counsel, regarding the Trump Russia collusion investigation. There is critical inf
Clint Clements: September 28, 2018 1. The James O'Keefe videos of communists in our government agencies. We discussed this previously that they have taken over the federal g
Clint Clements: September 25, 2018 1. The James O'Keefe videos of communists in our government agencies. We discussed this previously that they have taken over the federal g
Clint Clements: September 17, 2017 Join us at The Forge Tactical as we discuss the Deep State and its many tentacles. We will dive into the Deep State and learn about Lisa B
Clint Clements: September 10, 2018 We continue our discussion on the road to Venezuela. We have been overtaken by an organization so pervasive and so well organized. M
Clint Clements: September 4, 2018 We pick up where we left off last week. We are discussing the impact that the communists and Marxists have had on the Nation, the Church,
Clint Clements: August 29, 2018 The story starts in 1893 when Dr. Walter Rauschenbusch, Socialist "theologian" wrote in that year, "The only power that can make socialism succeed, if
Clint Clements: August 13, 2018 Today we are discussing the FISA narrative and the truth behind what really happened. Join us as we discuss the players, the hero and the
Clint Clements: August 2, 2018 Please find attached the show for this week. We are talking about the James Wolfe case involving the leaking of classified information to the Ma
Clint Clements: July 12, 2018 Join us as we discuss the smash hit computer game Fortnite - Battle Royale. This is a free game that allows up to 100 people to play a life or d
Clint Clements: June 25, 2018 ​Today we are talking about Marxism and the Church in America. The Evangelical Church in America has fallen to the Marxist onslaught of Materi
Clint Clements: June 18, 2018 This week we are talking about the road to Venezuela in the US. This is being orchestrated at the highest levels of the government via globalist
Clint Clements: June 4, 2018 Join us as we discuss America's Road to Venezuela. Today we are discussing the Uni-Party (Deep State) and its duplicity in the Russian investiga
Clint Clements: May 29, 2018 We are talking about Venezuela and how it got to where it is today. The country is in complete collapse economically and emotionally. Peop
Clint Clements: May 21, 2018 We are speaking about Nationalism, it’s roots in the Bible and it’s God given purpose of protecting people. Today we face a crisis within ou
Clint Clements: March 27, 2018 Join us as we discuss the attacks on our 2nd Amendment (2A) and the impact it will have on us as a country and as Christians if we do not stand up and
Clint Clements: March 14, 2018 Each of us must learn to find our Kinetic Trigger when faced with a potentially violent situation. This trigger is the point at which we no long
Clint Clements: February 26, 2018 We will be discussing the Fight phase of the Escape, Evade and Fight sequence needed to survive an active shooter situation. This week we discus
Clint Clements: February 19, 2018 If you are going to engage the shooter as a concealed carry permit holder, you have to remember that there are two scenarios that you will need to rem
Clint Clements: February 12, 2018 We are looking at an active shooter scenario and discussing the Evading element of the Escape, Evade and Fight sequence necessary to survive an active
Clint Clements: January 29, 2018 Escaping and Active Shooter. We will be discussing the questions and decisions one must make when facing an active shooter situation. Ther
Clint Clements: January 15, 2018 Today we will discuss the opening events of an active shooter scenario and the questions you need to ask yourself as well as the steps you must take t
Clint Clements: January 8, 2018 We are starting a new series on Dealing with an Active Shooter. America is now in the cross hairs of Organizing For America (OFA). This gr
Clint Clements: January 2, 2018 Normalcy Bias is a bias that people have where they believe that things will always function the way that things normally function. In othe
Clint Clements: December 7, 2017 In this week's program we will be talking about "The Need For Gun Ownership" . America is moving towards the brink of destruction because we have turn
Clint Clements: November 28, 2017 In today's program we will be talking about what we can do as Christians when the Government, Military and our Churches turn their backs on us. &
Clint Clements: November 24, 2017 This week we will be talking about what we can do as Christians when the Government, Military and our Churches turn their backs on us. We w
Clint Clements: October 26, 2017 The show is about the loss of Extortion 17 and the death of 17 Navy SEALs form SEAL Team 6. The lies and deceit that surround the loss of these
Clint Clements: October 18, 2017 Today we talk with Steve Gurn. Steve is a retired Marine who spent 10 years in Iraq and Afghanistan fighting for the freedoms of the Iraqis and
Clint Clements: October 10, 2017 Last Sunday the nation witnessed the largest single mass shooting in US history. 58 people perished, with another 500+ injured, as a result of a