California Councilman Gets Robbed While Speaking About Crime

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  • The Biden regime has declared war on the Proud Boys, using the pretext of J6 to send them away to prison for up to 30 years or more.
  • In yet another attack on pro-life Americans, the City of Clearwater, Florida, adopts a strict new ordinance making it a crime to go near an abortion clinic unless you have official business.
  • The American dream is evaporating. We’ll show you why buying a home in 2023 has become impossible for most.
  • And two Texas cities are participating in an emissions-cutting program that seeks to end all meat and dairy consumption over the next seven years.

All these stories and more when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Report.

The Gateway Pundit reports that J6 political prisoner Zachary Rehl is no longer able to afford a private attorney without assistance from the American people. And he needs one badly.

The government is seeking 30 years in federal prison for Rehl, the head of the Philadelphia chapter of the Proud Boys, for “his role in the Capitol riot.”

Rehl committed no violent crimes on January 6. He walked through the Capitol building for a few minutes, took a selfie in the building then left the Capitol grounds.

Prosecutors argue the 37-year-old Marine Corps veteran and his allies, former Proud Boys chair Enrique Tarrio, 39, Joseph Biggs, 39, and Ethan Nordean, 33, aimed to foment a revolution on January 6 to keep former President Donald Trump in power in a “terror attack” that left a stain on American democracy.

The government argued that the role that Rehl and Tarrio, Nordean, and Biggs played in “organizing” the Jan. 6, 2021, “attack” on the U.S. Capitol “threatened the bedrock principles of our country and warranted the significant punishment,” government lawyers argued in a court filing late Thursday.

Of course, every word of that is a lie. The DOJ knows this. They just wanted to destroy these men and their families for being supporters of President Trump and for attending January 6 protests in order to provide protection from leftist groups like Antifa.

Rehl, Tarrio, Nordean, and Biggs were convicted of seditious conspiracy on May 4 by jurors who reside in a district with a 92 percent voting rate for Joe Biden. The selected jurors admitted on the stand that they support Antifa and attended Black Lives Matter rallies. Each insisted the Proud Boys are a group of white supremacists.

The government is urging U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly to deem Rehl, Tarrio, Biggs and Nordean’s conduct “terrorism,” a designation that would result in sharply increased sentences.

The Proud Boys were scheduled to be sentenced August 30th but the sentencing was postponed. 

The federal government is using an interview with The Gateway Pundit against defendant Zachary Rehl. The regime claims Rehl spread misinformation when he was interviewed by the conservative news outlet.

Because of this, the regime contends that he deserves several more years in prison on top of what he already faces.


The Biden administration announced Wednesday it will provide $95 million through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to improve Hawaii's electric grid.

The island of Maui was devastated earlier this month after the deadliest U.S. wildfire in more than a century swept through the resort town of Lahaina, leaving 115 people dead and hundreds more missing. As many as 1,000 children are still unaccounted for.

So Zelensky and Ukraine get $100 billion. Hawaii gets $95 million. This is why we call them globalists. They are not America-centric in their priorities and goals. They put America last in everything.


The government continues to ratchet up pressure on pro-life protesters.

As we saw in a recent case of five people convicted in Washington, D.C., the act of peacefully protesting outside an abortion clinic, stopping women individually to share with them about the realities of abortion, well, that can now land you in prison for 10 years.

In a Tennessee case, several protesters had their doors bashed down in the middle of the night for having the audacity to pray silently outside of an abortion clinic in that state.

That brings us to Clearwater, Florida.

Pedestrians in Clearwater have no choice but to break the law or hover in the air over the sidewalk when traveling past the Bread and Roses Women's Health Center, an abortion facility on Highland Avenue.

They can’t walk on the sidewalk or the road in that area during business hours.

In March, the Clearwater City Council altered its Sidewalks, Streets, and Public Places Code, singling out this one business for special treatment by creating a “vehicular safety zone” near Bread and Roses.

For more than a decade, the public sidewalk there has been where pro-life sidewalk counselors stand and urge women bound for an abortion to change their mind. Often, they handed out pamphlets offering life-affirming options through car windows to women driving into the parking lot.

The sidewalk code has curtailed that work.

The ordinance states:

“The Clearwater City Council recognizes that access to healthcare facilities for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment is important for residents and visitors to the City. The exercise of a person's right to protest or counsel against certain medical procedures is a First Amendment activity that must be balanced against another person's right to obtain medical care and treatment in a manner authorized by Florida law.”


New data shows that buying a home requires a large slice of income in 2023, and thus it has become the most unaffordable housing market in 40 years.

Not since 1984 has the single-family home been this far out of reach for so many Americans.

To compare home affordability over time, researchers at Black Knight, a mortgage technology and data provider, analyzed home prices, interest rates and income levels in each month dating back to 1975. They calculated the mortgage payment required at each point in time to purchase the median-priced home using a 20% down 30-year fixed-rate mortgage.

To provide a relative comparison, the company then calculated the share of median household income needed to make that mortgage payment in each month over the same period of time.

In doing so, Black Knight found that it currently requires a $2,423/month mortgage payment to purchase the median-priced home today (assuming a 20% down 30-year fixed rate mortgage). 


On Monday, a California councilman was robbed while speaking to shop owners about crime in the Bay Area in and around San Francisco.

The Emeryville councilman, Kalimah Priforce, found his “wallet and keys had been stolen from his bike bag” at Bay Street Mall.

“A lot of stores that can’t afford private guards need panic buttons, a direct line to the police, so they don’t have to actually pick up the phone [and] call the police dispatch,” he said, before realizing he had been robbed, according to a report from Fox News.


Priforce also told Fox KTVU that the city needs to do more to protect local businesses, adding:

“Better prepared, better cameras, better surveillance, better ways of being able to protect our local businesses. Unfortunately, we place more emphasis on luxury-rate market apartments in our cities than we do on our public safety.”

Emeryville also became the center of headlines after “mobs of teens” forced Bath & Body Works employees to lock “themselves in the stockroom” for protection, according to CBS News Bay Area.

“Police said the drama started with about 50 teens in one store before it escalated outside,” eventually resulting in one gunshot and stabbing, CBS News Bay Area reported.  


Zero Hedge reports that Britain's Climate Change Committee (CCC) has urged millions of Britons to not heat their homes in the evening to help the government hit its net zero target.

No, they aren't urging elites to ditch their private jets for commercial, or not to burn 1,000 gallons of fuel taking the yacht out for a jaunt. Chris Stark, head of the CCC, wants ordinary citizens to turn off their electric heaters (heat pumps) at night as part of a wider drive to deliver “emissions savings,” which includes a shift away from gas boilers - which Chris, a hypocrite, still has.

Contained in a document on “behavior change,” the CCC recommended that Britons instead “pre-heat” their houses in the afternoons when electricity use is lower, and would theoretically save families money.

“There is significant potential to deliver emissions savings, just by changing the way we use our homes,” reads the CCC's sixth carbon budget paper, which lays out how the UK should reduce its emissions between 2033-37.

“Where homes are sufficiently well insulated, it is possible to pre-heat ahead of peak times, enabling access to cheaper tariffs which reflect the reduced costs associated with running networks and producing power during off-peak times.”

Critics are boiling.

Andrew Montford, the director of Net Zero Watch, told The Telegraph:

“The grid is already creaking and daft ideas like this show just how much worse it will become. It's clear that renewables are a disaster in the making. We now need political leaders with the courage to admit it.”


At least three Catholic universities in California cover abortion in their student health plans, according to an investigative article by The College Fix. Some Catholic universities in the state have found ways to avoid covering the deliberate destruction of human life.

The Fix discovered two schools, the University of San Francisco and Loyola Marymount University, that help students obtain abortions through their health plans for the 2023-24 school year.

Last month, The Fix reported on the University of San Diego’s inclusion of abortion in its student health plan.

The Catholic Church teaches the killing of an unborn baby is “intrinsically evil,” and a long line of his popes has consistently spoken out against abortion.

A recent court settlement involving Protestant churches in California potentially opened the doors for Catholic universities to opt out of a state mandate that requires health insurance plans to include coverage for elective abortions.

However, none of the three universities answered questions from The Fix about whether they attempted to request a waiver.

prior Fix investigation in 2021 found USF covered abortion, and the diocese, run by conservative Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, declined to comment. A year later, Cordileone asked all his churches to deny Communion to Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, who represents San Francisco, because of her support for abortion.

Previously, a University of San Diego media relations spokesperson told The Fix the school covers abortion because it is required to by state and federal regulations. It did not respond to a question asking if USD planned to seek a waiver.

As The Fix reported in July, several Protestant churches challenged the California insurance mandate and won a legal settlement in May that exempts them from covering elective abortions.

Their lawyer, Jeremiah Galus, senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom, said the resolution represented a major victory for all religious organizations in California.

Galus said in a statement in May:

“The government can’t force a church or any other religious employer to violate their faith and conscience by participating in funding abortion.”

The California Department of Managed Health Care reviews exemptions for religious employers. In July, a spokesman for the agency told the Times of San Diego that the University of San Diego did not request an exemption.

The Catholic University of America, which is subject to the same federal laws as University of San Diego, does not provide for abortion in its student health plans.

This appears to be in conflict with the Code of Canon Law, which governs the Catholic Church. Canon 810 specifies bishops “have the duty and right of being watchful so that the principles of Catholic doctrine are observed faithfully in [Catholic] universities.”

Other universities do not clearly provide for abortion in their health plans or avoid the issue altogether by not offering plans or self-insuring.


KMSP Fox 9 reports that Farmers Insurance has revealed it will shed numerous employees through layoffs. 

Under the move announced Monday by the insurance provider, roughly 2,400 Farmers Insurance workers will see their jobs cut. Of its total headcount, the impacted employees account for roughly 11%, according to the company’s press release.

Farmers Insurance said it needed to “better position itself for a future of long-term profitability and growth,” prompting the layoffs. Other actions the company is taking include making its organizational structure more efficient and bringing a “new approach to how it delivers insurance products” to agents and consumers, the release said. 

The job cuts were also linked to what Farmers Group CEO Raul Vargas called the “existing conditions of the insurance industry and the impact they are having on our business.”

They come after the insurance provider decided earlier in the summer to no longer do Farmers-branded auto, home and umbrella policies in Florida and curb some of its coverage in California. For Florida, the company described the move at the time as one “necessary to effectively manage risk exposure.” 

Farmers Insurance isn’t the only one to take such action in California, as previously reported by FOX Business.

Vargas said Monday that Farmers Insurance was “committed to doing our best to support those impacted by these changes in the days and weeks to come.”

The roughly 2,400 people losing their jobs work across all lines of business, according to Farmers Insurance. On its website, the company reported having a workforce made up of nearly 21,000 people. 

It said it would share additional details regarding its effort to “reinvent how insurance is delivered.”

Farmers Insurance, which was founded in 1928, provides over 19 million individual policies nationwide, according to its website. Those belong to some 10 million households.


Two Texas cities are participating in an emissions-cutting program that seeks to end all meat and dairy consumption in cooperation with a globalist organization called C40 Cities.

According to the organization, “C40 is a global network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities that are united in action to confront the climate crisis.”

Although largely funded by Democrat billionaire Michael Bloomberg, C40 has other big donors including FedEx, Google, and the Clinton Foundation.

Both Austin and Houston are listed as participating cities, with “membership operating on performance-based requirements, not on fees.”

Houston is a “Megacity,” according to the C40 membership ranking. Megacities are “Cities that show exceptional climate leadership at the global level, and have an urban population that currently is expected to exceed 3 million or more people by 2030.”

Austin is in the “Innovator” membership category, which includes “cities that show exceptional climate leadership at the global level, but do not meet the population/size criteria of a Megacity.”

Altogether, the participating cities make up a quarter of the global economy.

According to C40 Cities Executive Director Mark Watts, “As always, C40 has adopted a science-based approach and that science is clear: average consumption-based emissions in C40 cities must halve within the next 10 years. In our wealthiest and highest consuming cities that means a reduction of two-thirds or more by 2030.”

Watts stated this in a report from C40 Cities in 2019 entitled, “The Future Of Urban Consumption In A 1.5°C World.” The report lays out “ambitious targets” for cities to meet regarding the urban consumption of building materials, food, clothing and textiles, private transportation, electronics, and household appliances, as well as private aviation travel. All of this human activity must be reined in in order for a C40 city to meet its goals of net zero emissions, which is nothing but weaponized climate hysteria meant to enslave the world, or what’s left of the world after they kill off 80 to 90 percent of us through toxic death shots, pre-engineered pathogens and world war.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, for the second time in recent weeks, had a brain freeze at a public event.

Speaking at a Chamber of Commerce function in his home state of Kentucky, McConnell was asked about his thoughts on running for re-election in 2026.

Here was his response.


This is a serious situation when a U.S. Senator in a top GOP leadership position cannot function and perform his most basic duties. Cannot comprehend a simple question.

The people of Kentucky and America deserve better.

I’m not going to belabor this other than to state the obvious. Mitch McConnell needs to resign immediately. There is absolutely no logical reason for a man this old and in this bad of shape to continue feigning normality. He’s way past his prime and now he can’t even answer a simple question without his eyes glazing over and freezing up.

This seems to be indicative of the state of America. God help us.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for watching, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time…


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