Americans Supporting The Right To Abort An Unborn Baby In The First Trimester Climbs To Nearly 70%

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  • Retired U.S. military officers speak out on the state of readiness being sacrificed for a woke agenda.
  • An IRS agent has admitted to using a fake name to access someone’s home in order to collect taxes that had already been paid.
  • Four county-level Republican activists get arrested in a small town in Georgia. Their crime? They held a peaceful protest of a Pride Month celebration.
  • A new survey finds that a growing distrust in government is motivating large numbers of Americans to become preppers. They are putting back supplies of “water, food, warm clothing, weapons, and cash.” We’ll explain who’s doing this and why.
  • We also have a report on America’s most violent cities, and what they share in common.
  • And the number of Americans supporting the right to abort an unborn baby in the first trimester for any reason or no reason at all climbs to nearly 70 percent.

All these stories and more, when the Worldview Report begins, right now!


Good evening and welcome to the Worldview Reports.

We start off tonight with wokism in the military.

U.S. military service members have been increasingly exposed to what a former lieutenant colonel has called a “hyper-politicized and sexualized work environment.”

That same retired officer, Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, said the resulting divisiveness is weakening the U.S. Armed Forces.

The Pentagon’s diversity, equity, and inclusion, or DEI policies, have drawn increased and intense scrutiny in recent years, especially from conservatives.

As we reported earlier this week, the Republicans had a chance to deal a powerful setback to the DEI movement within the military but two of them broke rank and voted with the Democrats to continue down the divisive road of diversity, equity and inclusion and critical race theory.

Lt. General DeAnna Burt, the deputy chief of space operations, said “anti-LGBTQ+ laws” introduced by state legislatures are affecting hiring decisions. At a recent Pentagon Pride event, she said: “Transformational cultural change requires leadership from the top, and we do not have time to wait. Since January of this year, more than 400 anti-LGBTQ+ laws have been introduced at the state level. That number is rising and demonstrates a trend that could be dangerous for service members, their families, and the readiness of the force as a whole.”

Dangerous? General Burt says that any attempt to weed out weak, confused men who believe they are women, is “dangerous” to U.S. military readiness.

The Epoch Times spoke to former Space Force officer Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, who in 2021 was removed from his command for expressing opposition to Marxist-rooted critical race theory. According to him, there is no place in the U.S. military for the kind of advocacy Burt participates in.

Lohmeier told the Epoch Times:

“Americans should know that when someone signs up to wear the uniform of their country, they’re trained early on to leave political baggage at the door and to be rather apolitical while acting in an official capacity.”

In other words, it’s commanders like General Burt who pose the real danger to U.S. military readiness.

Service members often avoid discussing political topics, because as Lohmeier pointed out, “there is something that supersedes those topics for men and women in uniform—and that’s a particular mission in support of national security.”


In other news, an IRS agent has admitted to using a fake name to access someone’s home in order to collect taxes that had already been paid.

Now, the House Judiciary Committee and Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government wants to investigate.

Here are the facts, as reported by Ray Bogan of Straight Arrow News.

According to the committees’ Chairman Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, on April 25, 2023, an IRS agent claiming to be Bill Haus with the IRS Criminal Division knocked on a taxpayer’s door in Marion, Ohio. The man was a real IRS agent, but the name Bill Haus was fake.

He said he was there to ensure all the taxes had been paid on the estate of a relative who had recently died. He even shared sensitive information about the case with the resident that only an IRS agent would know. 

The taxpayer called their lawyer who asked the agent to leave. According to a letter from Chairman Jordan to IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel, the fake agent told the lawyer, “I am an IRS agent, I can be at and go into anyone’s house at any time I want to be.” 

The agent eventually left. But according to the letter, on his way out the door, he told the taxpayer they had one week to pay back taxes or he’d freeze their assets and put a lien on their home.

The taxpayer called the local police who ran a license-plate check on the agent’s car. They figured out that the imposter used an alias, and he admitted it when confronted. According to Jordan, the agent’s supervisor got involved and the ordeal ended with a letter from the IRS to the taxpayer stating the case was closed. 

Chairman Jordan wants the IRS to hand over documents and communications between the IRS, Treasury Department and the agent that are related to the house visit.

Jordan wrote in the letter to IRS Commissioner Werfel:

“This behavior from an IRS agent to an American taxpayer—providing an alias, using deception to secure entry into the taxpayer’s home, and then filing an Inspector General complaint against a police officer examining that matter—is highly concerning.”

Jordan requested the materials be handed over by Friday, June 30.


Saturday a group from the Etowah County Republican Assembly led a protest against the City of Rome, Georgia’s “Transqueer Pride” parade. They were joined by members from a local church and other concerned citizens. 

Police arrested four of them as they peacefully waved signs from the sidewalk in view of the people participating in the parade.

This happened in small town America, folks. Not New York City. Not Chicago or even some place like Memphis or Chattanooga, Tennessee. Rome is much smaller.

Although it was marketed as “family friendly” with children encouraged to attend, this second annual event for the small city features “trans” men dressed as women performing sexualized dances and other perverted acts. One witness reported a 4-year-old boy wearing a girl’s dress. The child’s parents encouraged him on to the stage with the drag queens where one drag queen grasped his hand and attempted to induce him to dance with him. The child seemed terrified and bolted from the stage. The protesters believe sexually provocative events like these should be restricted to adult entertainment and not be permitted in public or in the presence of children.

“I understand a lot of people are scared of being called names like ‘transphobic,’ but there is a sexualization of children issue going on here,” said Melissa Smith, one of the protesters. “You can’t call something family friendly when it’s sponsored by sex shops. I don’t care about your lifestyle; I care about protecting children.”

Angela Rubino, one of the activists who was arrested, referenced a social media post from the radical group’s organizers that specifically targeted gender dysphoric people with autism. She said:

“It’s time we wake people up. Someone at some point had to do something about it. Now they want to drag children with autism into it.”

The four people arrested were charged with “unlawful assembly.”

The protestors say they were simply exercising their First Amendment rights of freedom of speech and the right to peaceably assemble. They were not hurting anyone, not inciting any riots, nor even speaking over the “trans” performers who used amplification equipment.

Peaceful protests have been a common and accepted part of American life.

The four Christians who were arrested included Brad Barnes, Angela Rubino, David Smith, and Melissa Smith. They reported that the policemen seemed awkward and embarrassed about arresting them.

“They didn’t read us our Miranda rights or nothing!” said Angela Rubino.

As for those police, you can file this one under the category of “I was just following orders” in the new communist America.


Michael Snyder at the Economic Collapse Blog reports that a recent survey has discovered that a lack of faith in the government in Washington is motivating large numbers of Americans to become preppers. They are putting back supplies of “water, food, warm clothing, weapons, and cash” in preparation for the chaotic times that are ahead of us.

Snyder says Americans watching Joe Biden’s words and policies have lost faith that the government will protect them in any sort of doomsday event, and that’s driving a national prepper movement.

With the Doomsday Clock the closest to midnight it has ever been, over 70% in a new survey of 6,200 said they “do not have faith in the government” in a catastrophe such as a nuclear war or even a climate or natural disaster.

Snyder reports that companies that are helping people get prepared for what is coming are doing a brisk business.

In fact, the emergency food industry now generates approximately 500 million dollars in sales each year.

And who are these preppers? For the most part, the survey found those who are the most likely to be prepping are in the age bracket of 40 to 65 years old.

And twice as many men as women are getting ready for a disaster.

Just what that disaster will be is dividing the nation. Some 55% cited climate change, 36% virus and disease, and 25% a nuclear attack. But there were other concerns. Over 15% are concerned about an asteroid strike, and 15% about a robot or artificial intelligence “takeover.”

Snyder writes: “It doesn’t surprise me that middle-aged Americans are the most likely to be prepping. I have noticed that a lot of young people under the age of 40 just don’t understand the changes that we are witnessing all around us. But those of us that are a little bit older and a little bit wiser can see where global events are taking us.”


Meanwhile, we have another, less encouraging survey to report about Americans’ beliefs on the issue of abortion and the sanctity of life.

American’s support for abortion rights have increased since one year ago when the Supreme Court ruled to overturn Roe Vs. Wade, stripping away federal protections for getting an abortion.

According to a new Gallup poll, 69% of Americans say they support abortion rights, or almost 7 out of every 10 people – the highest ever recorded by Gallup.

Gallup reports that the previous number was 67% in May of last year, when the mainstream media leaked a document that indicated that the Supreme Court was planning to officially overturn Roe Vs. Wade.

Prior to that, Gallup noted that 58% of Americans polled said they were opposed to an outright ban on Roe Vs. Wade, per 2021 statistics, cited by The WinePress when Roe Vs. Wade was officially overturned.

On the flipside, “the percentage of Americans wanting abortion illegal in all circumstances has fallen from 21% in 2019 to 13% in 2022 and 2023,” Gallup found in their latest poll.

47% say it should be “Legal under any/most circumstances,” versus 49% that say abortion should be “Legal in only a few/Illegal in all circumstances.”

The support for a first-trimester abortion reached a new record high at 69%, while second and third trimester abortions also saw small upticks.


According to figures from the finance website Insider Monkey, the most dangerous cities in America are all led by politicians affiliated with the Democratic Party.

Insider Monkey was able to organize a list of 30 cities in the United States that use the FBI’s Quarterly Uniform Crime Report and police data. ZeroHedge reported on the finding for the top 15 most violent cities on this list. 


  1. Chicago: 166
  2. Philadelphia: 165
  3. Phoenix: 137
  4. Dallas: 126
  5. Baltimore: 112
  6. Houston: 109
  7. Los Angeles: 102
  8. New York City: 100
  9. Indianapolis: 96
  10. Kansas City: 96
  11. Detroit: 89
  12. Washington, DC: 89
  13. Louisville, KY: 89
  14. Memphis, TN: 81
  15. St. Louis, MO: 65

You can see every one of these Democrat-run cities, ranked by their total number of murders so far in 2023. Numbers don’t lie. 

This is the reality of living in a Democrat-dominated jurisdiction, whether it’s a city or state. These areas are marked by policies that coddle criminals and disarm the law-abiding, thereby making them dangerous hellholes in which to live. 

They also have the worst schools and the highest rates of drug-use and homelessness.


Heightened NATO military plane activity has been observed in the area over the Black Sea, and there’s a reason for that.

NATO Chief Jens Stoltenberg announced Monday, June 26, that the military alliance would bolster its presence in the area around the Baltic States of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia that border Russia.


NATO will change the status of its air force mission for the protection of the skies over the Baltic states to that of combat ready, Stoltenberg said. Previously, the status was of an air policing mission.

The mission of the so-called air police is to control the space above the Baltic states and is not considered a military mission. But with a combat mandate, NATO fighters will be able to participate in hostilities and be integrated into Lithuania’s defense plans.

In addition, the German Defense Minister said that his country intends to deploy an additional 4,000 troops in Lithuania on a long-term basis.

The Baltic states joined the NATO military alliance in 2004 under the presidency of George W. Bush.


Sweden has just dealt a major blow to the globalist climate agenda by scrapping its green energy targets.

In a statement announcing the new policy in the Swedish Parliament, Finance Minister Elisabeth Svantesson warned that the Scandinavian nation needs “a stable energy system.”

Svantesson asserted that wind and solar power are too “unstable” to meet the nation’s energy requirements.

Instead, the Swedish Government is shifting back to nuclear power and has ditched its targeted goals for reaching a “100% renewable energy” supply.

The move is a major blow to unreliable and inefficient energy production, the kind of energy production that the administration of Joe Biden is trying to hang over the necks of all Americans.

Countries are being pushed toward “renewable energy” to meet the goals of the United Nations and World Economic Forum’s green agenda. They call it the Great Reset and “build back better.”

The agenda is not just being pushed by the United Nations, but also the World Health Organization (WHO), the Paris Climate Agreement, the World Bank, the IMF, the E.U., the British government and King Charles and of course, the Biden regime.


Time now for our Worldview Report commentary.

As we reported earlier this month, THOUSANDS of Catholics and Protestants gathered outside Dodgers Stadium in Los Angeles to protest the team honoring the demonic group the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, a group that specializes in blaspheming the name of Christ and all things held in reverence by Christians.

The Dodgers and Major League Baseball allowed, even invited these demons to come into their ballpark and mock Christianity in general, and Catholics in particular, before the start of the baseball game.

Bishop J. Strickland from Texas spoke at the rally and prayed before the game.

Here he is speaking to the crowd outside Dodgers Stadium:


Here is a tweet Bishop Strickland sent to Joe Biden on June 11th.


On Monday, June 26, John Yep from Catholics for Catholics appeared on the War Room podcast with Steve Bannon. Yep said the Vatican sent two bishops to Texas to confront and harass Bishop Strickland after the rally in Los Angeles.

WATCH VIDEO (clip first 3:32)

He said people won’t understand why this is happening in the Catholic Church. But, as explained by the renegade Catholic Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, who’s been forced to live in hiding, there is a “deep church” that works hand in glove with the globalists in the “deep state” for the destruction of America and the creation of a one-world beast system.

We just saw an example of how that deep church and deep state work together in the incident involving the pornographic drag queens at Dodgers Stadium.

That does it for this edition of the Worldview Report. Thanks for tuning in, and for supporting this viewer-supported broadcast.

Until next time, I’m Brannon Howse. Take care.


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