Do you ever feel like we’re sleepwalking toward a disaster in the near future? Former British Naval officer Colonel Richard Kemp is with us from the United Kingdom to look at how Europe and the UK tend to appease their enemies rather than stand up to them. Narratives play a large part in appeasement, which is why the narrative purveyors – the media – do not like the Trump administration’s tendency to stand up against our enemies. They shut down debate and when we can’t face the problem head on, disaster awaits.
Like most things that don’t succeed, Marxism has had to shift its focus over the years. We welcome author and speaker Steve Turley who looks at how Marxism has shifted its focus from an economic one to a cultural one. In order to take over the culture, there had to be a unity among disparate “oppressed” groups against a common enemy or “oppressor” group. Even when it has been proven that racism today is lower than it’s ever been in our country, the focus then shifted to systemic racism.
Finally this week, John examines the narrative currently pushed by some in this country that the United States is awful and racist and there is oppression against certain groups of people. Oppression has been the norm of history, even in some parts of the world today. Overcoming it, like the United States has done, is unique. Our values led us to eliminate slavery and advocate for equality of all people. So this ‘America is an oppressor’ narrative is patently and historically false. For us to survive, truth must prevail.
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